Advanced React and Redux
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Knowledge of React + Redux is 100% required! If you are familiar with reducers and action creators you will be fine.
Course includes content specific to React v16.6.3 and Redux v4.0.1! For React v14, start with the section titled “Testing with React v14”
This is the tutorial you’ve been looking for to take your React and Redux skills to the next level.
Authentication with Express/Mongo? Yes! Middleware/Higher Order Components? We got it. Testing with Mocha/Chai? It’s here!
This course wastes no time diving right into interesting topics, and teaches you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux.
Mastering React and Redux can get you a position in web development or help you build that personal project you’ve been dreaming of. It’s a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, especially with the release of Redux and ReactNative.
There are dozens of great tutorials online for React and Redux, but none of them teach the challenging, core features of these two fantastic libraries. I created this course to push you beyond “just getting started.”
Learn how to thoroughly test React and Redux code, including tests for action creators and reducers
Get familiar with Higher Order Components. Don’t know what they are? No problem, you have been using them without even knowing it!
Rewrite a popular Redux Middleware from scratch to handle asynchronous actions
Become a master of the trickiest topic in Javascript: authentication. You will write a server with enterprise-grade authentication from scratch that can scale to hundreds of thousands of users. No shortcuts, no dummy data.
I have built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning React and Redux. A course that explains the concepts and how they’re implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.
4Required Boilerplate - DO NOT SKIPText lesson
5Project GenerationVideo lesson
6Our First TestVideo lesson
7Introduction to JestVideo lesson
8App OverviewVideo lesson
9Installing DependenciesVideo lesson
10React and Redux DesignVideo lesson
11What Do We Test?Video lesson
12Starting from ScratchVideo lesson
13Rendering the AppVideo lesson
14Showing Components in the AppVideo lesson
15Valid Test File NamesVideo lesson
16Test StructureVideo lesson
17Tricking React with JSDOMVideo lesson
18Verifying Component ExistenceVideo lesson
19Test ExpectationsVideo lesson
20Limiting Test KnowledgeVideo lesson
21Enzyme SetupVideo lesson
22Enzyme RenderersVideo lesson
23Expectations for Component InstancesVideo lesson
24Exercise Time!Video lesson
25Expecting the Comment ListVideo lesson
26Absolute Path ImportsVideo lesson
27Code Reuse with BeforeEachVideo lesson
28Comment Box ComponentVideo lesson
29TextArea ImplementationVideo lesson
30CommentBox Test FileVideo lesson
31Asserting Element ExistenceVideo lesson
32AfterEach StatementsVideo lesson
33Simulating Change EventsVideo lesson
34Providing Fake EventsVideo lesson
35Forcing Component UpdatesVideo lesson
36Retrieving Prop ValuesVideo lesson
37Form Submit ExerciseVideo lesson
38Exercise SolutionVideo lesson
39Describe StatementsVideo lesson
40Redux SetupVideo lesson
41The Provider TagVideo lesson
42The SaveComment Action CreatorVideo lesson
43Bonding React with ReduxVideo lesson
44Redux Test ErrorsVideo lesson
45Adding a Root ComponentVideo lesson
46Testing ReducersVideo lesson
47Handling Unknown TypesVideo lesson
48Testing Action CreatorsVideo lesson
49Comment List WireupVideo lesson
50Getting Data Into ReduxVideo lesson
51Redux Initial StateVideo lesson
52Cheerio QueriesVideo lesson
53One More FeatureVideo lesson
54Fetching a Remote ResourceVideo lesson
55Parsing Comment ListVideo lesson
56Integration TestsVideo lesson
57Integration Tests in ActionVideo lesson
58Fixing a Broken TestVideo lesson
59Simulating Button ClicksVideo lesson
60Why the Failure?Video lesson
61Faking Requests with MoxiosVideo lesson
62The Reason for FailureVideo lesson
63Introducing a PauseVideo lesson
64Moxios's Wait FunctionVideo lesson
65App WrapupVideo lesson
66An Introduction to Higher Order ComponentsVideo lesson
67Connect - A Higher Order ComponentVideo lesson
68App OverviewVideo lesson
69Adding React RouterVideo lesson
70Adding RoutesVideo lesson
71Auth ReducerVideo lesson
72Rendering a HeaderVideo lesson
73Wiring Up StateVideo lesson
74Changing Auth StateVideo lesson
75Steps for Building a HOCVideo lesson
76Forced Navigation with React RouterVideo lesson
77Creating the HOCVideo lesson
78Placing Reusable LogicVideo lesson
79Passing Through PropsVideo lesson
80Introduction to MiddlewaresVideo lesson
81The Purpose of Redux PromiseVideo lesson
82How Async Middlewares WorkVideo lesson
83Crazy Middleware SyntaxVideo lesson
84Forwarding ActionsVideo lesson
85Waiting for Promise ResolutionVideo lesson
86Observing the MiddlewareVideo lesson
87State Validation MiddlewareVideo lesson
88JSON SchemaVideo lesson
89Generating JSON SchemaVideo lesson
90Middleware CreationVideo lesson
91Emitting WarningsVideo lesson