Artificial Intelligence Masterclass
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Today, we are bringing you the king of our AI courses…:
The Artificial Intelligence MASTERCLASS
Are you keen on Artificial Intelligence? Do want to learn to build the most powerful AI model developed so far and even play against it? Sounds tempting right…
Then Artificial Intelligence Masterclass course is the right choice for you. This ultimate AI toolbox is all you need to nail it down with ease. You will get 10 hours step by step guide and the full roadmap which will help you build your own Hybrid AI Model from scratch.
In this course, we will teach you how to develop the most powerful Artificial intelligence model based on the most robust Hybrid Intelligent System. So far this model proves to be the best state of the art AI ever created beating its predecessors at all the AI competitions with incredibly high scores.
This Hybrid Model is aptly named the Full World Model, and it combines all the state of the art models of the different AI branches, including Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Policy Gradient, and even, Deep NeuroEvolution.
By enrolling in this course you will have the opportunity to learn how to combine the below models in order to achieve best performing artificial intelligence system:
Fully-Connected Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Variational AutoEncoders
Mixed Density Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Evolution Strategies
Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES)
Parameter-Exploring Policy Gradients
Plus many others
Therefore, you are not getting just another simple artificial intelligence course but all in one package combining a course and a master toolkit, of the most powerful AI models. You will be able to download this toolkit and use it to build hybrid intelligent systems. Hybrid Models are becoming the winners in the AI race, so you must learn how to handle them already.
In addition to all this, we will also give you the full implementations in the two AI frameworks: TensorFlow and Keras. So anytime you want to build an AI for a specific application, you can just grab those model you need in the toolkit, and reuse them for different projects!
Don’t wait to join us on this EPIC journey in mastering the future of the AI – the hybrid AI Models.
6Welcome to Step 1 - Artificial Neural NetworkText lesson
7Plan of AttackVideo lesson
8The NeuronVideo lesson
9The Activation FunctionVideo lesson
10How do Neural Networks work?Video lesson
11How do Neural Networks learn?Video lesson
12Gradient DescentVideo lesson
13Stochastic Gradient DescentVideo lesson
14BackpropagationVideo lesson
15Welcome to Step 2 - Convolutional Neural NetworkText lesson
16Plan of AttackVideo lesson
17What are Convolutional Neural Networks?Video lesson
18Step 1 - The Convolution OperationVideo lesson
19Step 1 Bis - The ReLU LayerVideo lesson
20Step 2 - PoolingVideo lesson
21Step 3 - FlatteningVideo lesson
22Step 4 - Full ConnectionVideo lesson
23SummaryVideo lesson
24Softmax & Cross-EntropyVideo lesson
25Welcome to Step 3 - AutoEncoderText lesson
26Plan of AttackVideo lesson
27What are AutoEncoders?Video lesson
28A Note on BiasesVideo lesson
29Training an AutoEncoderVideo lesson
30Overcomplete Hidden LayersVideo lesson
31Sparse AutoEncodersVideo lesson
32Denoising AutoEncodersVideo lesson
33Contractive AutoEncodersVideo lesson
34Stacked AutoEncodersVideo lesson
35Deep AutoEncodersVideo lesson
40Welcome to Step 5 - Implementing the CNN-VAEText lesson
41Introduction to Step 5Video lesson
42Initializing all the parameters and variables of the CNN-VAE classVideo lesson
43Building the Encoder part of the VAEVideo lesson
44Building the "V" part of the VAEVideo lesson
45Building the Decoder part of the VAEVideo lesson
46Implementing the Training operationsVideo lesson
47Full Code SectionText lesson
48The Keras ImplementationText lesson
60Welcome to Step 8 - Implementing the MDN-RNNText lesson
61Initializing all the parameters and variables of the MDN-RNN classVideo lesson
62Building the RNN - Gathering the parametersVideo lesson
63Building the RNN - Creating an LSTM cell with DropoutVideo lesson
64Building the RNN - Setting up the Input, Target, and Output of the RNNVideo lesson
65Building the RNN - Getting the Deterministic Output of the RNNVideo lesson
66Building the MDN - Getting the Input, Hidden Layer and Output of the MDNVideo lesson
67Building the MDN - Getting the MDN parametersVideo lesson
68Implementing the Training operations (Part 1)Video lesson
69Implementing the Training operations (Part 2)Video lesson
70Full Code SectionText lesson
71The Keras ImplementationText lesson
76Welcome to Step 10 - Deep NeuroEvolutionText lesson
77Deep NeuroEvolutionVideo lesson
78Evolution StrategiesVideo lesson
79Genetic AlgorithmsVideo lesson
80Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES)Video lesson
81Parameter-Exploring Policy Gradients (PEPG)Video lesson
82OpenAI Evolution StrategyVideo lesson