Build Web Apps with React & Firebase
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
React is a hugely popular front-end library and React developers are always in hight demand in the web dev job market. In this course you’ll learn how to use React from the ground-up to create dynamic & interactive websites, and by the time you finish you’ll be in a great position to succeed in a job as a React developer. You’ll also have 4 full React projects under your belt too, which you can customize and use in your portfolio!
Throughout the course you’ll learn exactly what React is and why it’s such a popular choice to make interactive & dynamic websites. You’ll learn how to set up a React website from scratch, how to create React components, how to use state to manage component data & how to work with interactive events such as click events & form submissions.
You’ll also get hands-on practise with the React Router (which is used in React to create website with “multiple pages”) and you’ll see how these are actually known as Single Page Applications (or SPA’s for short).
We’ll dive into React Hooks such as useState, useEffect, useParams & useHistory and use them to help us create 4 full React projects from scratch – a memory game, a recipe website, a finance tracker & a project management application.
You’ll also learn some more avanced topics such as the React Context API to handle global state & reducers (including the useReducer hook) to help manage more complex state.
Once you’ve mastered React, we’ll take our websites to the next level by integrating them with Firebase – a backend as a service. You’ll learn how to add services such as a real-time database & authentication into your React sites as well as how to allow end-users to upload files from their computers with the help of Firebase Storage. Finally, I’ll teach you how to build & deploy your React sites to the web using Firebase Hosting.
By the end of the course you’ll have a solid understanding of React & be able to make your own production-ready websites!
24Using Mutliple ComponentsVideo lesson
25Creating a Title ComponentVideo lesson
26Intro to PropsVideo lesson
27React FragmentsVideo lesson
28Children Prop (Making a Modal Component)Video lesson
29Functions as PropsVideo lesson
30CHALLENGE - Showing the ModalVideo lesson
31PortalsVideo lesson
32CHALLENGE - Reusable Event List ComponentVideo lesson
33Class Components OverviewVideo lesson
47New Project & JSON ServerVideo lesson
48Why We Need useEffectVideo lesson
49Fetching Data with useEffectVideo lesson
50The useEffect Dependency ArrayVideo lesson
51useCallback for Function DependenciesVideo lesson
52Creating a Custom Fetch HookVideo lesson
53Adding a Loading/Pending StateVideo lesson
54Handling ErrorsVideo lesson
55Why We Need a Cleanup FunctionVideo lesson
56Aborting Fetch RequestsVideo lesson
57useEffect Gotcha - Infinite LoopsVideo lesson
58Project Preview & SetupVideo lesson
59Setting up & Shuffling CardsVideo lesson
60Creating a Card GridVideo lesson
61CHALLENGE - Creating a Card ComponentVideo lesson
62Making Card ChoicesVideo lesson
63CHALLENGE - Comparing ChoicesVideo lesson
64Adding a 'matched' Property to CardsVideo lesson
65Flipping CardsVideo lesson
66Flipping Animation (CSS)Video lesson
67Making Cards "disabled"Video lesson
68Finishing TouchesVideo lesson
69Multi-Page React SitesVideo lesson
70React Router SetupVideo lesson
71Switch & Exact MatchVideo lesson
72Links & Nav LinksVideo lesson
73Fetching DataVideo lesson
74Route ParametersVideo lesson
75The useParams HookVideo lesson
76Programmatic RedirectsVideo lesson
77Redirect ComponentVideo lesson
78Query ParametersVideo lesson