JavaScript and React for Beginners: Create 12 projects
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities user’s can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.
JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applications
- Analogue Clock
- Quote of the day app
- Digital calculator
- Tip calculator
- Image slider
- Addition game
Day of birth calculator
React.js is a an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces
React adopts a component based approach in developing applications.
Every react app can considered a component or a collection of components which can be re-usable.
React.js is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive. With React you can design simple views for each state of an application. You can also use React to efficiently update and render components when your data changes. I will walk you through how to create react components from scratch, review components properties, and component state, as well as the foundational parent/child relationships within React.js. I will also take you through the lifecycle of components . You will be transpiling JSX code using babel which is an in browser transpiler that converts JSX code into readable format.
What you will learn includes:
Setting up a local react development environment
Accessing React Library via CDN
Using Creating a React App tool to create new react projects
Accessing Reaact from JSBIN
Creating React Components
Creating React Components in ES6
Converting React functions to ES6 Class
Using JSX
Embedding JSX as expressions
Using props
Using State
Component life cycle
- Creating a React mortgage calculator
- Creating a React Todo List App
- Creating a React static tweet component
- Creating a React countdown timer
- Creating a React digital clock
1IntroductionVideo lesson
2What is GITVideo lesson
3Installing GitVideo lesson
4Git ConfigurationVideo lesson
5What is NodeJsVideo lesson
6Installing NodejsVideo lesson
7What is NPMVideo lesson
8Installing and uninstalling Npm global packagesVideo lesson
9JSBINVideo lesson
10Installing text editorsVideo lesson
11Installing Sublime textVideo lesson
12What is ReactVideo lesson
13What is the DOMVideo lesson
14What is ReactDOMVideo lesson
15ReactDOM Vs VirtualDOMVideo lesson
16Accessing React via CDNVideo lesson
17Installing create react-appVideo lesson
18Create a sample react appVideo lesson
19New react app folder structureVideo lesson
20RenderingVideo lesson
21Installing react developer toolsVideo lesson
22Introduction to JSXVideo lesson
23What is JSXVideo lesson
24Embedding expressions in JSXVideo lesson
25Using JSX as an expressionVideo lesson
26Using Child elements in JSXVideo lesson
27Nesting JSX ElementsVideo lesson
28Adding comments to JSXVideo lesson
29Handling EventsVideo lesson
30What are componentsVideo lesson
31Creating a react componentVideo lesson
32Creating a react component in ES6Video lesson
33What are propsVideo lesson
34What is a stateVideo lesson
35Adding a state to a classVideo lesson
36Component life cycleVideo lesson
48Sketching your componentsVideo lesson
49Creating a new react projectVideo lesson
50Exploring project files and foldersVideo lesson
51Modifying filesVideo lesson
52Creating the avatar componentVideo lesson
53Creating more componentsVideo lesson
54Creating the time and button componentsVideo lesson
60What is JavaScriptVideo lesson
61JavaScript SyntaxVideo lesson
62JavaScript VariablesVideo lesson
63Variable naming conventionVideo lesson
64JavaScript OperatorsVideo lesson
65JavaScript ArraysVideo lesson
66JavaScript Data TypesVideo lesson
67Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
68Assignment operatorsVideo lesson
69Operator PrecedenceVideo lesson
70JavaScript string operatorsVideo lesson
71JavaScript Comparison OperatorsVideo lesson
72JavaScript Logical OperatorsVideo lesson
73JavaScript conditional statementsVideo lesson
74JavaScript FunctionsVideo lesson
75JavaScript CommentsVideo lesson
76JavaScript EventsVideo lesson
77Mixing data typesVideo lesson
78What is a constructorVideo lesson
79What is a classVideo lesson
80What is an arrow functionVideo lesson
81What is a constVideo lesson