Learn to build an e-commerce store with .Net, React & Redux
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
***The course has been refreshed in February 2023 to use .Net 7, React 18 and React Router 6***
Do you want to learn how to build a real world application using .Net, React and Redux? In this course we start from nothing and build a proof of concept E-Commerce store using these frameworks/libraries.
In this course we build a complete application from start to finish and every line of code is demonstrated and explained.
Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:
Setting up the developer environment
Creating a .Net WebAPI application using the dotnet CLI
Creating a client side front-end React single page application for the stores user interface
Using Entity Framework to write code that queries and updates the database
Using ASP.NET Identity for login and registration
Using React Router to navigate between routes on the client
Using Automapper.
Building a great looking UI using Material Design
Making reusable form components using React hook form
Paging, Sorting, Searching and Filtering
Creating orders from the shopping basket
Accepting payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D secure
Publishing the application to Heroku
Many more things as well
Tools you need for this course
In this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free cross platform code editor. You can of course use any IDE you like and any Operating system you like… as long as it’s Windows, Linux or Mac.
Is this course for you?
This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you.
Important: This course is aimed at beginners but there is an expectation you have written some code before – it is not suitable for those who have never coded before.
On this course we will build an example E-commerce store, completely from scratch using the DotNet CLI tool and the Create-React-App tool to help us get started. All you will need to get started is a computer with your favourite operating system, and a passion for learning how to build an application using .Net and React.

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5Section 2 IntroductionVideo lesson
6Creating the .Net solution and API projectVideo lesson
7Adding VS Code extensionsVideo lesson
8What’s in the Web API templateVideo lesson
9Creating a new C# class for the ProductVideo lesson
10What is Entity FrameworkVideo lesson
11Adding the DbContext classVideo lesson
12Creating an Entity Framework MigrationVideo lesson
13Creating a class to seed data into the databaseVideo lesson
14Using the Program.cs class to migrate and seed the data on app startupVideo lesson
15Creating an API controller to return a list of productsVideo lesson
16Using async methods when querying a database.Video lesson
17Saving our code into source controlVideo lesson
18Summary of section 2Video lesson
19Section 3 IntroductionVideo lesson
20Creating the react applicationVideo lesson
21What's in the React templateVideo lesson
22React component basicsVideo lesson
23Using react hooks - useStateVideo lesson
24Using react hooks - useEffectVideo lesson
25Adding CORS configuration to the APIVideo lesson
26Typescript vs javascript in ReactVideo lesson
27Adding a Typescript interface for the productVideo lesson
28File and folder organisationVideo lesson
29Adding React componentsVideo lesson
30Adding the Material UI styling frameworkVideo lesson
31Adding components for the ProductList and CardVideo lesson
32Installing and using React dev toolsVideo lesson
33Adding an AppBarVideo lesson
34Adding cards for our individual productsVideo lesson
35Styling the product cardVideo lesson
36Using Material UI ThemeVideo lesson
37Challenge solution and setting bg colorVideo lesson
38Section 3 SummaryVideo lesson
39Section 4 IntroductionVideo lesson
40Setting up React RouterVideo lesson
41Adding Nav Links to the AppBarVideo lesson
42Stying the nav barVideo lesson
43Fetching a product on component loadVideo lesson
44Adding the product detail page contentVideo lesson
45Summary of section 4Video lesson
46Section 5 IntroductionVideo lesson
47Setting up an error controllerVideo lesson
48Adding exception handling middlewareVideo lesson
49Centralising the axios requestsVideo lesson
50Creating a react component to test the error responsesVideo lesson
51Using Axios interceptorsVideo lesson
52Adding toast notificationsVideo lesson
53Handling validation errorsVideo lesson
54Creating a server error componentVideo lesson
55Creating a not found componentVideo lesson
56Adding a delay and loading indicators to the appVideo lesson
57Using the dotnet debugging toolVideo lesson
58Using the react debuggerVideo lesson
59Section 5 summaryVideo lesson
60Section 6 introductionVideo lesson
61Creating the basket entityVideo lesson
62EF RelationshipsVideo lesson
63Create a basket controllerVideo lesson
64Add basket item endpoint logicVideo lesson
65Using the debugger to check the add item logicVideo lesson
66Shaping the data to returnVideo lesson
67Removing an item from the basketVideo lesson
68Using CreatedAtRouteVideo lesson
69Adding the axios methods for the basketVideo lesson
70Creating a basket componentVideo lesson
71Styling the basket page with a tableVideo lesson
72Using React context to centralise stateVideo lesson
73App initialisation - fetching the basket on app startVideo lesson
74Updating the header with the basket item countVideo lesson
75Adding the remove item functionalityVideo lesson
76Adding specific loading indicators for the buttonsVideo lesson
77Challenge - Basket SummaryVideo lesson
78Challenge - SolutionVideo lesson
79Updating the product detail component to add items to cart part 1Video lesson
80Updating the product detail component to add items to cart part 2Video lesson
81Adding a checkout pageVideo lesson
82Section 6 SummaryVideo lesson