Master Artificial Intelligence 2022 : Build 6 AI Projects
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Are you ready to master Artificial Intelligence skills?
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.
It is the simulation of natural intelligence in machines that are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of humans. These machines are able to learn with experience and perform human-like tasks. As technologies such as AI continue to grow,
they will have a great impact on our quality of life.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the top tech fields to be in right now!
Financial institutions, legal institutions, media companies, and insurance companies are all figuring out ways to use artificial intelligence (ai) to their advantage. From fraud detection to writing news stories with natural language processing(NLP) and reviewing law briefs, AI’s reach is extensive.
If you want to build super-powerful applications in artificial intelligence(ai).
Then, you are at the right place.
This course will provide you with in-depth knowledge on a very hot topic i.e., Artificial Intelligence(AI).
The purpose of this course is to provide you with knowledge of key aspects of modern AI without any intimidating mathematics and in a practical, easy, and fun way. The course provides students with practical hands-on experience using real-world datasets.
This course will cover the following topics:-
1. Natural Language Processing (NLP).
2. Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
3. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
4. Recurrent Neural Network. (RCN)
5. Machine Learning (ML).
6. Deep Learning (DL).
This course will take you through the basics to an advanced level in all the mentioned four topics.
After taking this course, you will be confident enough to work independently on any projects on these topics.
There are lots and lots of exercises for you to practice In this Python Data Science Course and also a 5 Bonus Data Science Project “Sentiment Analysis“, “Drug Prescription“, “Detecting Pneumonia from X-rays“, “Stock Market Prediction”, “Fruits Recognition” and “Face emotion Recognition“.
In this Sentiment Analysis project, you will learn how to Extract and Scrap Data from Social Media Websites and Extract out Beneficial Information from these Data for Driving Huge Business Insights.
In this Drug Prescription project, you will learn how to Deal with Data having Textual Features, you will also learn NLP Techniques to transform and Process the Data to find out Important Insights.
In this Detecting Pneumonia from X-rays project, you will learn how to solve Image Classification Tasks using Deep Neural Networks such as ResNet which is a High Level CNN Architectures.
In this Stock Market Prediction project, you will learn to analyze and the Stock Market Prices using Time Series Forecasting, Advanced Deep Learning Models and different Statistical features.
In this Fruits Recognition project, you will learn how to solve a complicated Image Classification Task with Multiple Classes using various Deep Learning Architectures and Compare the Result.
In this Face Expression Recognizer project, you will learn to use Computer Vision Techniques to detect Human Emotions such as Angry, Sad, Happy, Disgust, Fear etc. to build a Facial Emotion Detector.
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I’m looking forward to see you in the course!
You will have access to all the resources used in this course.
1Why should you learn Python?Video lesson
2Installing Python and Jupyter NotebookVideo lesson
3Understanding the Interface of Jupyter NotebookVideo lesson
4Naming Convention for variablesVideo lesson
5Built in Data Types and Type CastingVideo lesson
6Scope of VariablesVideo lesson
7Q and AVideo lesson
8Quiz on Variables and Data TypesCuestionario
9Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
10Thanks for your SupportVideo lesson
11Arithmetic and Assignment OperatorsVideo lesson
12Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise OperatorsVideo lesson
13Identity and Membership OperatorsVideo lesson
14Quiz on OperatorsCuestionario
15Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
16String FormattingVideo lesson
17String MethodsVideo lesson
18User InputVideo lesson
19Quiz on StringsCuestionario
20Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
21If, elif, and elseVideo lesson
22For and WhileVideo lesson
23Break and ContinueVideo lesson
24Quiz on Loops and conditionalsCuestionario
25Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
26Differences between Lists and TuplesVideo lesson
27Operations on ListsVideo lesson
28Operations on TuplesVideo lesson
29Quiz on Lists and TuplesCuestionario
30Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
31Introduction to DictionariesVideo lesson
32Operations on DictionariesVideo lesson
33Nested DictionariesVideo lesson
34Introduction to SetsVideo lesson
35Set OperationsVideo lesson
36Quiz on Sets and DictionariesCuestionario
37Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
38Introduction to Stacks and QueuesVideo lesson
39Implementing Stacks and Queues using ListsVideo lesson
40Implementing Stacks and Queues using DequeVideo lesson
41Quiz on Stacks and QueuesCuestionario
42Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
43Time ComplexityVideo lesson
44Linear SearchVideo lesson
45Binary SearchVideo lesson
46Bubble SortVideo lesson
47Insertion and Selection SortVideo lesson
48Merge SortVideo lesson
49Quiz on Searching, Sorting, and Time ComplexityCuestionario
50Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
51Introduction to FunctionsVideo lesson
52Default Parameters in FunctionsVideo lesson
53Positional ArgumentsVideo lesson
54Keyword ArgumentsVideo lesson
55Python ModulesVideo lesson
56Quiz on Introduction to FunctionsCuestionario
57Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
58Lambda FunctionsVideo lesson
59Filter, Map, and Zip FunctionsVideo lesson
60List, set, and Dictionary ComprehensionsVideo lesson
61Quiz on Anonymous FunctionsCuestionario
62Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
63Introduction to Aggregate FunctionsVideo lesson
64Introduction to Analytical FunctionsVideo lesson
65Quiz on In Built FunctionsCuestionario
66Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
67Solving the Factorial Problem using RecursionVideo lesson
68Solving the Fibonacci Problem using RecursionVideo lesson
69Quiz on RecursionsCuestionario
70Quiz SolutionVideo lesson
71Introduction to Classes and ObjectsVideo lesson
72InheritanceVideo lesson
73EncapsulationVideo lesson
74PolymorphismVideo lesson
75Quiz on Classes and ObjectsCuestionario
76Quiz SolutionVideo lesson