React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
This course is the most up-to-date, comprehensive and bestselling React course on Udemy!
It was completely updated and re-recorded from the ground up – it teaches the very latest version of React with all the core, modern features you need to know!
This course also comes with two paths which you can take: The “complete” path (full >40h course) and the “summary” path (~4h summary module) – you can choose the path that best fits your time requirements! 🙂
React.js is THE most popular JavaScript library you can use and learn these days to build modern, reactive user interfaces for the web.
This course teaches you React in-depth, from the ground up, step by step by diving into all the core basics, exploring tons of examples and also introducing you to advanced concepts as well.
You’ll get all the theory, tons of examples and demos, assignments and exercises and tons of important knowledge that is skipped by most other resources – after all, there is a reason why this course is that huge! 🙂
And in case you don’t even know why you would want to learn React and you’re just here because of some ad or “the algorithm” – no worries: ReactJS is a key technology as a web developer and in this course I will also explain WHY it’s that important!
Welcome to “React – The Complete Guide”!
This course will teach you React.js in a practice-oriented way, using all the latest patterns and best practices you need. You will learn all the key fundamentals as well as advanced concepts and related topics to turn you into a React.js developer.
This is a huge course because it really covers EVERYTHING you need to know and learn to become a React.js developer!
No matter if you know nothing about React or if you already got some basic React knowledge (not required but also not a problem), you will get tons of useful information and knowledge out of this course!
My goal with this course is to ensure that you feel confident working with React, so that you can apply for React jobs, use it in your own projects or simply enhance your portfolio as a developer – whatever your goal is: This course gets you there!
I originally created this course in 2017 and I have kept it updated since that – redoing it from the ground up in 2021. And of course I’m dedicated to keeping this course up-to-date – so that you can rely on this course to learn React in the best possible way!
What’s in this course?
A thorough introduction to React.js (What is it and why would you use it?)
All the core basics: How React works, building components with React & building UIs with React
Components, props & dynamic data binding
Working with user events and state to create interactive applications
A (thorough) look behind the scenes to understand how React works under the hood
Detailed explanations on how to work with lists and conditional content
React Hooks (in-depth)!
Working with built-in Hooks and building custom Hooks
How to debug React apps
Styling React apps with “Styled Components” and “CSS Modules”
Working with “Fragments” & “Portals”
Dealing with side effects
Class-based components and functional components
Sending Http requests & handling transitional states + responses
Handling forms and user input (incl. validation)
Redux & Redux Toolkit
Routing with React Router
An in-depth introduction into Next.js
Deploying React Apps
Implementing Authentication
Unit Tests
Combining React with TypeScript
Adding Animations
Tons of examples and demo projects so that you can apply all the things you learned in real projects
And so much more – check out the full curriculum on this page!
This really is the “Complete Guide” – promised!
And best of all?
You don’t need any prior React knowledge!
This course starts with zero knowledge assumed! All you need is basic web development and JavaScript knowledge (though the course even includes a brief JavaScript refresher to ensure that we’re all on the same page!).
Check out the full curriculum, the free preview videos and join the course risk-free thanks to the 30-day money-back guarantee!
1Welcome To The Course!Video lesson
2What is React.js?Video lesson
3Why React Instead Of "Just JavaScript"?Video lesson
4Building Single-Page Applications (SPAs) with ReactVideo lesson
5Exploring React.js Alternatives (Angular / Vue)Video lesson
6Join our Online Learning CommunityText lesson
Learning alone is absolutely fine but finding learning partners might be a nice thing, too. Our learning community is a great place to learn and grow together - of course it's 100% free and optional!
7About This Course & Course OutlineVideo lesson
8The Two Ways (Paths) Of Taking This CourseVideo lesson
9Getting The Most Out Of This CourseVideo lesson
10Setting Up The Course Dev Environment (Code Editor)Video lesson
11Module IntroductionVideo lesson
Let me introduce you to this module and to what you're going to learn in it.
12Understanding "let" and "const"Video lesson
One important next-gen feature you're going to see a lot is the usage of "const" and "let" instead of "var". What's up with these keywords? This lecture answers the question.
13Arrow FunctionsVideo lesson
Arrow functions are another key next-gen feature we'll heavily use in this course. Let's dive into how to write them and how to use them in this lecture.
14Exports and ImportsVideo lesson
We'll write modular code in this course. That means, that the code will be split up across multiple files. In order to connect these files correctly, we'll need imports and exports. So let's dive into that feature in this lecture.
15Understanding ClassesVideo lesson
The "class" keyword is another new feature you'll see quite a bit in this course. Learn what it's about in this lecture.
16Classes, Properties and MethodsVideo lesson
Classes may have properties and methods. There actually are different ways of defining these. Let's dive into the details in this lecture.
17The Spread & Rest OperatorVideo lesson
React also makes heavy usage of the "Spread" operator. Or React projects do, to be precise. Learn more about that new operator in this lecture.
18DestructuringVideo lesson
Time to destructure! It's a new JavaScript feature and it allows you to ... do what? Let's explore the feature in this lecture.
19Reference and Primitive Types RefresherVideo lesson
Not next-gen but super important: Knowing the difference between reference and primitive types. This lecture will explore both.
20Refreshing Array FunctionsVideo lesson
We'll use a lot of array functions in this course. They're not next-gen but you need to feel confident working with them. So let's explore them in this lecture.
21Wrap UpVideo lesson
Let me wrap this module up and summarize what we learned thus far.
22Next-Gen JavaScript - SummaryText lesson
Have a look at this lecture to get a good overview over the various next-gen JS features you'll encounter in this course.
23JS Array FunctionsText lesson
Here's something we'll also use quite a bit in this course: Some JavaScript array functions.
24Module IntroductionVideo lesson
25What Are Components? And Why Is React All About Them?Video lesson
26React Code Is Written In A "Declarative Way"!Video lesson
27A Note About New React Projects & NodeJSText lesson
28Creating a new React ProjectVideo lesson
29The Starting ProjectText lesson
30Analyzing a Standard React ProjectVideo lesson
31Introducing JSXVideo lesson
32How React WorksVideo lesson
33Building a First Custom ComponentVideo lesson
34Writing More Complex JSX CodeVideo lesson
35Adding Basic CSS StylingVideo lesson
36Outputting Dynamic Data & Working with Expressions in JSXVideo lesson
37Passing Data via "props"Video lesson
38Adding "normal" JavaScript Logic to ComponentsVideo lesson
39Splitting Components Into Multiple ComponentsVideo lesson
40Time to Practice: React & Component BasicsText lesson
41The Concept of "Composition" ("children props")Video lesson
42A First SummaryVideo lesson
43A Closer Look At JSXVideo lesson
44Organizing Component FilesVideo lesson
45An Alternative Function SyntaxVideo lesson
46Learning Check: React Basics, Components, Props & JSXCuestionario
In this course module, you learned about key React features which you must know for every React app you're going to build! Hence it's time to check what you learned and verify that we're all on the same page!
47Module ResourcesText lesson
48Module IntroductionVideo lesson
49Listening to Events & Working with Event HandlersVideo lesson
50How Component Functions Are ExecutedVideo lesson
51Working with "State"Video lesson
52A Closer Look at the "useState" HookVideo lesson
53State can be updated in many ways!Text lesson
54Adding Form InputsVideo lesson
55Listening to User InputVideo lesson
56Working with Multiple StatesVideo lesson
57Using One State Instead (And What's Better)Video lesson
58Updating State That Depends On The Previous StateVideo lesson
59Handling Form SubmissionVideo lesson
60Adding Two-Way BindingVideo lesson
61Child-to-Parent Component Communication (Bottom-up)Video lesson
62Lifting The State UpVideo lesson
63Time to Practice: Working with Events & StateText lesson
64Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components & Stateless vs Stateful ComponentsVideo lesson
65Learning Check: Working with Events & StateCuestionario
66Module ResourcesText lesson
67Module IntroductionVideo lesson
68Rendering Lists of DataVideo lesson
69Using Stateful ListsVideo lesson
70Understanding "Keys"Video lesson
71Time to Practice: Working with ListsText lesson
72Outputting Conditional ContentVideo lesson
73Adding Conditional Return StatementsVideo lesson
74Time to Practice: Conditional ContentText lesson
75Demo App: Adding a ChartVideo lesson
76Adding Dynamic StylesVideo lesson
77Wrap Up & Next StepsVideo lesson
78Fixing a Small BugText lesson
79Learning Check: Outputting Lists & Conditional ContentCuestionario
80Module ResourcesText lesson
81Module IntroductionVideo lesson
82Setting Dynamic Inline StylesVideo lesson
83Setting CSS Classes DynamicallyVideo lesson
84Introducing Styled ComponentsVideo lesson
85Styled Components & Dynamic PropsVideo lesson
86Styled Components & Media QueriesVideo lesson
87Using CSS ModulesVideo lesson
88Dynamic Styles with CSS ModulesVideo lesson
89Module ResourcesText lesson