React Native - The Practical Guide [2023]
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This course was updated (completely re-recorded) in April 2022 – you learn the latest version of React Native with this course!
Mobile apps are one of the best ways to engage with users – no wonder everyone wants to build one!
Wouldn’t it be great if you could use your web development knowledge, combined with your React knowledge, to build mobile apps with that?
That’s exactly what React Native allows you to do!
No need to learn Java, Android, Swift, ObjectiveC or anything of that – React and JavaScript is all you need to create awesome native mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS. That’s probably the reason why Instagram, AirBnB, Skype and many other global companies are using it to build their mobile apps!
With this course, you can join this league. I’ll teach you all you need to create your own React Native apps, publish them to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and dive really deep into the React Native ecosystem.
You’ll learn all about the theory behind React Native, its core concepts, how to build responsive designs that work on different device sizes, how to navigate around, use maps and the camera and so much more!
And which better way to learn than by building a real app? We’ll build the “Favorite Places” app in this course, an app where users can share amazing pictures and the location where they took them. This app will allow you to see things like using maps, the camera, user authentication, connecting to a server and much more in action.
By the end of the course, we’ll of course also go through all steps required to get it into an app store.
Here’s a detailed look at what you’ll get:
The core concepts and theory
How to use React, JavaScript and native components
Understand how to navigate in React Native apps
A closer look at styling and animating React Native apps
Instructions on how to use third-party libraries in your React Native app
Detailed examples on how to use maps or an image picker
A full user authentication flow
How to connect to a backend server from your app
Debugging instructions
And so much more!
What will you need to succeed in this course?
NO Android, Java, Swift or ObjectiveC knowledge is required!
JavaScript and React (for the web) knowledge is required though – you don’t need to be an expert but the basics need to be set (though there are refresher sections in this course!)
I’d be very happy to welcome you in the course!
1Welcome To This Course & What To Expect!Video lesson
2What Is React Native?Video lesson
3Join our Online Learning CommunityText lesson
4A Glance Under The Hood Of React NativeVideo lesson
5Creating React Native Projects: Expo CLI vs React Native CLIVideo lesson
6Creating a New React Native ProjectVideo lesson
7Analyzing The Created ProjectVideo lesson
8Running Our First App On A Real Device!Video lesson
9Setting Up A Local Development EnvironmentVideo lesson
10About This CourseVideo lesson
11Course Resources, Code Snapshots & How To UseText lesson
12Module IntroductionVideo lesson
13Exploring Core Components & Component StylingVideo lesson
14Working With Core ComponentsVideo lesson
15Styling React Native AppsVideo lesson
16React Native: Core Components, Styling & Colors - More InformationText lesson
17Exploring Layouts & FlexboxVideo lesson
18React Native & FlexboxVideo lesson
19Using Flexbox To Create LayoutsVideo lesson
20Flexbox - A Deep DiveVideo lesson
21Components, Styles, LayoutsCuestionario
22Improving The LayoutVideo lesson
23Handling EventsVideo lesson
24Managing A List Of Course Goals (in our Demo App)Video lesson
25iOS & Android Styling DifferencesVideo lesson
26Making Content Scrollable with ScrollViewVideo lesson
27Optimizing Lists with FlatListVideo lesson
28More Components & ListsCuestionario
29Splitting Components Into Smaller ComponentsVideo lesson
30Utilizing PropsVideo lesson
31Working on the "Goal Input" ComponentVideo lesson
32Handling Taps with the Pressable ComponentVideo lesson
33Making Items Deletable & Using IDsVideo lesson
34Adding an Android Ripple Effect & an iOS AlternativeVideo lesson
35Adding a Modal ScreenVideo lesson
36Styling the Modal OverlayVideo lesson
37Opening & Closing the ModalVideo lesson
38Working with Images & Changing ColorsVideo lesson
39App Finishing TouchesVideo lesson
40Module SummaryVideo lesson
47Module Introduction & What We'll BuildVideo lesson
48Starting Setup & Analyzing the Target AppVideo lesson
49Setting Up our Screen ComponentsVideo lesson
50Creating Custom ButtonsVideo lesson
51Styling for Android & iOSVideo lesson
52Styling the "Number Input" ElementVideo lesson
53Configuring the TextInput FieldVideo lesson
54Adding Visual Feedback to the ButtonsVideo lesson
55Improving the ButtonsVideo lesson
56Coloring the Components & The Overall AppVideo lesson
57Adding a Linear GradientVideo lesson
58Adding a Background ImageVideo lesson
59Getting Started with the Game LogicVideo lesson
60Handling User Input & Showing an Alert DialogVideo lesson
61Switching Screens ProgrammaticallyVideo lesson
62Starting Work on the Game ScreenVideo lesson
63Respecting Device Screen Restrictions with the SafeAreaViewVideo lesson
64Creating a Title ComponentVideo lesson
65Managing Colors GloballyVideo lesson
66Creating, Using & Displaying Random NumbersVideo lesson
67Adding Game Control Buttons ("+" & "-") to the AppVideo lesson
68Checking for "Game Over"Video lesson
69Improving the Game Screen VisualsVideo lesson
70Using "Cascading Styles"Video lesson
71Working with Icons (Button Icons)Video lesson
72Adding & Using Custom Fonts with React Native AppsVideo lesson
73Adding a (Foreground) ImageVideo lesson
74Using & Styling Nested TextVideo lesson
75Adding Logic to (Re-)Start Games & Displaying a Summary ScreenVideo lesson
76Logging Game RoundsVideo lesson
77Outputting Log Data with FlatListVideo lesson
78Styling the Game Round LogsVideo lesson
79Finishing TouchesVideo lesson
80Module SummaryVideo lesson
81Module IntroductionVideo lesson
82Setting Dynamic WidthsVideo lesson
83Introducing the Dimensions APIVideo lesson
84Adjusting Image Sizes with the Dimensions APIVideo lesson
85Understanding Screen Orientation ProblemsVideo lesson
86Setting Sizes Dynamically (for different Orientations)Video lesson
87Managing Screen Content with KeyboardAvoidingViewVideo lesson
88Improving the Landscape Mode UIVideo lesson
89The Dimensions API & Responsive UIsCuestionario
90Further Improvements with useWindowDimensionsVideo lesson
91Writing Platform-specific Code with the Platform APIVideo lesson
92Styling the Status BarVideo lesson