React Web Development || Become a React Developer
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Hi && welcome to the React Web Development, the course that will take you from a beginner react developer all the way to become an advanced react developer. in this course we are going to learn react by building real world applications and its completely a project base so there is no time wasted on unnecessary content,
what we are going to learn:-
in the first section we are going to spend some time learning about the es6 or the next generation of javascript because its will be the main tool that we are going to use in react.
in the second section we are going to learn about react it self and this include basic react topics things like rendering list and conditional rendering and learn about component and props and jsx and pass data between components and so much more
02-react router
in this section we are going to learn about react router in deeps and understand how to create different pages and also how to deal with the url of the browser and display content depend on the urls and so much more.
03-react forms
in this section we are going to learn about forms, this section has two different part, the first one will be about basic forms in react and how can forms effect other parts of the website, the second parts will be about advanced forms things like fields, custom validation and more.
03-consuming APIs
in this section we are going to master the idea of deal and consuming APIs in react, we are going to build 3 applications that covers only the APIs which is one of the most important skill that you should have as react developer.
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you will master react and get hired today;
5IntroVideo lesson
6install create react appVideo lesson
7generate our first projectVideo lesson
8general overview on the projectVideo lesson
9let and constVideo lesson
10arrow functionVideo lesson
11import and export part 1Video lesson
12import and export part 2Video lesson
13render content in the web browserVideo lesson
14array methods mapVideo lesson
15array methods filterVideo lesson
16array methods findVideo lesson
17objects in es6Video lesson
18arrays and objects in one exampleVideo lesson
19template literalsVideo lesson
20the ternary operatorVideo lesson
21task to finishVideo lesson
22spread in ES6Video lesson
23rest in ES6Video lesson
24Next Steps After ES6Text lesson
2500-what we are going to build and create our proejctVideo lesson
2601-delete no need filesVideo lesson
2702-create the data that we want to showVideo lesson
28Note About The Data That we CreatedText lesson
2903-create the main files for the appVideo lesson
3004-reander content to the userVideo lesson
3105-what extensions do I useVideo lesson
3206-our first componentVideo lesson
3307-use our data that we createVideo lesson
3408-redner jsx in the web browserVideo lesson
3509-write some css codeVideo lesson
3610-add the courseItem componentVideo lesson
3711-uses props to pass dataVideo lesson
3812-show data and style the courseItemVideo lesson
3913-add UX to the appVideo lesson
4014-conditional rendering in reactVideo lesson
4115-final touchs and the next stepsVideo lesson
4200-what we are going to buildVideo lesson
4301-add the needed markupVideo lesson
4402-style the markup the we addedVideo lesson
4503-steps to follow when using react routerVideo lesson
4604-define some routesVideo lesson
4705-the switch componentVideo lesson
4806-more about the exactVideo lesson
4907-replace any a with a NavLinkVideo lesson
5008-different between Link and NavLinkVideo lesson
5109-control the url with the toVideo lesson
5210-make the title as a LinkVideo lesson
5311-create the CourseDetaild componentVideo lesson
5412-pass paramters to the urls with react routerVideo lesson
5513-fetch the right course using thr idVideo lesson
5614-add the html for the course detailsVideo lesson
5715-style the course detailsVideo lesson
5816-style the course details part 2Video lesson
5917-style the course details part 3Video lesson
6018-real examples about the react routerVideo lesson
6100-what we are going to buildVideo lesson
6201-intro to the state mamgment toolsVideo lesson
6302-our first class base componentVideo lesson
6403-the constructor function and the stateVideo lesson
6504-review our codeVideo lesson
6605-add the input markupVideo lesson
6706-get the value from the inputVideo lesson
6807-control input and uncontroled inputVideo lesson
6908-filter coursesVideo lesson
7009-other way for filter with reactVideo lesson
7110-get the code backVideo lesson
7211-conditional rending in reactVideo lesson
7312-sort courses demoVideo lesson
7413-add the select inputVideo lesson
7514-get the value from the select inputVideo lesson
7615-sort functionVideo lesson
7716-more about lodashVideo lesson
7817-style the select inputVideo lesson
7918-refactor our code part 1Video lesson
8019-refactor our code part 2Video lesson