Recommender Systems and Deep Learning in Python
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Believe it or not, almost all online businesses today make use of recommender systems in some way or another.
What do I mean by “recommender systems”, and why are they useful?
Let’s look at the top 3 websites on the Internet, according to Alexa: Google, YouTube, and Facebook.
Recommender systems form the very foundation of these technologies.
Google: Search results
They are why Google is the most successful technology company today.
YouTube: Video dashboard
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s accidentally spent hours on YouTube when I had more important things to do! Just how do they convince you to do that?
That’s right. Recommender systems!
Facebook: So powerful that world governments are worried that the newsfeed has too much influence on people! (Or maybe they are worried about losing their own power… hmm…)
This course is a big bag of tricks that make recommender systems work across multiple platforms.
We’ll look at popular news feed algorithms, like Reddit, Hacker News, and Google PageRank.
We’ll look at Bayesian recommendation techniques that are being used by a large number of media companies today.
But this course isn’t just about news feeds.
Companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify have been using recommendations to suggest products, movies, and music to customers for many years now.
These algorithms have led to billions of dollars in added revenue.
So I assure you, what you’re about to learn in this course is very real, very applicable, and will have a huge impact on your business.
For those of you who like to dig deep into the theory to understand how things really work, you know this is my specialty and there will be no shortage of that in this course. We’ll be covering state of the art algorithms like matrix factorization and deep learning (making use of both supervised and unsupervised learning – Autoencoders and Restricted Boltzmann Machines), and you’ll learn a bag full of tricks to improve upon baseline results.
As a bonus, we will also look how to perform matrix factorization using big data in Spark. We will create a cluster using Amazon EC2 instances with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Most other courses and tutorials look at the MovieLens 100k dataset – that is puny! Our examples make use of MovieLens 20 million.
Whether you sell products in your e-commerce store, or you simply write a blog – you can use these techniques to show the right recommendations to your users at the right time.
If you’re an employee at a company, you can use these techniques to impress your manager and get a raise!
I’ll see you in class!
This course is not “officially” part of my deep learning series. It contains a strong deep learning component, but there are many concepts in the course that are totally unrelated to deep learning.
“If you can’t implement it, you don’t understand it”
Or as the great physicist Richard Feynman said: “What I cannot create, I do not understand”.
My courses are the ONLY courses where you will learn how to implement machine learning algorithms from scratch
Other courses will teach you how to plug in your data into a library, but do you really need help with 3 lines of code?
After doing the same thing with 10 datasets, you realize you didn’t learn 10 things. You learned 1 thing, and just repeated the same 3 lines of code 10 times…
Suggested Prerequisites:
For earlier sections, just know some basic arithmetic
For advanced sections, know calculus, linear algebra, and probability for a deeper understanding
Be proficient in Python and the Numpy stack (see my free course)
For the deep learning section, know the basics of using Keras
For the RBM section, know Tensorflow
Check out the lecture “Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap” (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)
Every line of code explained in detail – email me any time if you disagree
No wasted time “typing” on the keyboard like other courses – let’s be honest, nobody can really write code worth learning about in just 20 minutes from scratch
Not afraid of university-level math – get important details about algorithms that other courses leave out
5Section Introduction and OutlineVideo lesson
6Perspective for this SectionVideo lesson
7Basic IntuitionsVideo lesson
8AssociationsVideo lesson
9Hacker News - Will you be penalized for talking about the NSA?Video lesson
10Reddit - Should censorship based on politics be allowed?Video lesson
11Problems with Average Rating & Explore vs. Exploit (part 1)Video lesson
12Problems with Average Rating & Explore vs. Exploit (part 2)Video lesson
13Bayesian Ranking (Beginner Version)Video lesson
14Demographics and Supervised LearningVideo lesson
15PageRank (part 1)Video lesson
16PageRank (part 2)Video lesson
17Evaluating a RankingVideo lesson
18Section ConclusionVideo lesson
19Suggestion BoxVideo lesson
20Collaborative Filtering Section IntroductionVideo lesson
21User-User Collaborative FilteringVideo lesson
22Collaborative Filtering Exercise PrepVideo lesson
23Data PreprocessingVideo lesson
24User-User Collaborative Filtering in CodeVideo lesson
25Item-Item Collaborative FilteringVideo lesson
26Item-Item Collaborative Filtering in CodeVideo lesson
27Collaborative Filtering Section ConclusionVideo lesson
31Matrix Factorization Section IntroductionVideo lesson
32Matrix Factorization - First StepsVideo lesson
33Matrix Factorization - TrainingVideo lesson
34Matrix Factorization - Expanding Our ModelVideo lesson
35Matrix Factorization - RegularizationVideo lesson
36Matrix Factorization - Exercise PromptVideo lesson
37Matrix Factorization in CodeVideo lesson
38Matrix Factorization in Code - VectorizedVideo lesson
39SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)Video lesson
40Probabilistic Matrix FactorizationVideo lesson
41Bayesian Matrix FactorizationVideo lesson
42Matrix Factorization in Keras (Discussion)Video lesson
43Matrix Factorization in Keras (Code)Video lesson
44Deep Neural Network (Discussion)Video lesson
45Deep Neural Network (Code)Video lesson
46Residual Learning (Discussion)Video lesson
47Residual Learning (Code)Video lesson
48Autoencoders (AutoRec) DiscussionVideo lesson
49Autoencoders (AutoRec) CodeVideo lesson
50RBMs for Collaborative Filtering Section IntroductionVideo lesson
51Intro to RBMsVideo lesson
52Motivation Behind RBMsVideo lesson
53IntractabilityVideo lesson
54Neural Network EquationsVideo lesson
55Training an RBM (part 1)Video lesson
56Training an RBM (part 2)Video lesson
57Training an RBM (part 3) - Free EnergyVideo lesson
58Categorical RBM for Recommender System RatingsVideo lesson
59RBM Code pt 1Video lesson
60RBM Code pt 2Video lesson
61RBM Code pt 3Video lesson
62Speeding up the RBM CodeVideo lesson
69(Review) Keras DiscussionVideo lesson
70(Review) Keras Neural Network in CodeVideo lesson
71(Review) Keras Functional APIVideo lesson
72(Review) How to easily convert Keras into Tensorflow 2.0 codeVideo lesson
73(Review) Confidence IntervalsVideo lesson
74(Review) Gaussian Conjugate PriorVideo lesson
75Bayesian Approach part 0 (Preparation)Video lesson
76Bayesian Approach part 1 (Optional)Video lesson
77Optional: Bayesian Approach part 2 (Sampling and Ranking)Video lesson
78Optional: Bayesian Approach part 3 (Gaussian)Video lesson
79Optional: Bayesian Approach part 4 (Code)Video lesson
80Why don't we just use a library?Video lesson