Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Welcome to Tensorflow 2.0!
What an exciting time. It’s been nearly 4 years since Tensorflow was released, and the library has evolved to its official second version.
Tensorflow is Google’s library for deep learning and artificial intelligence.
Deep Learning has been responsible for some amazing achievements recently, such as:
Generating beautiful, photo-realistic images of people and things that never existed (GANs)
Beating world champions in the strategy game Go, and complex video games like CS:GO and Dota 2 (Deep Reinforcement Learning)
Self-driving cars (Computer Vision)
Speech recognition (e.g. Siri) and machine translation (Natural Language Processing)
Even creating videos of people doing and saying things they never did (DeepFakes – a potentially nefarious application of deep learning)
Tensorflow is the world’s most popular library for deep learning, and it’s built by Google, whose parent Alphabet recently became the most cash-rich company in the world (just a few days before I wrote this). It is the library of choice for many companies doing AI and machine learning.
In other words, if you want to do deep learning, you gotta know Tensorflow.
This course is for beginner-level students all the way up to expert-level students. How can this be?
If you’ve just taken my free Numpy prerequisite, then you know everything you need to jump right in. We will start with some very basic machine learning models and advance to state of the art concepts.
Along the way, you will learn about all of the major deep learning architectures, such as Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (image processing), and Recurrent Neural Networks (sequence data).
Current projects include:
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Recommender Systems
Transfer Learning for Computer Vision
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Deep Reinforcement Learning Stock Trading Bot
Even if you’ve taken all of my previous courses already, you will still learn about how to convert your previous code so that it uses Tensorflow 2.0, and there are all-new and never-before-seen projects in this course such as time series forecasting and how to do stock predictions.
This course is designed for students who want to learn fast, but there are also “in-depth” sections in case you want to dig a little deeper into the theory (like what is a loss function, and what are the different types of gradient descent approaches).
Advanced Tensorflow topics include:
Deploying a model with Tensorflow Serving (Tensorflow in the cloud)
Deploying a model with Tensorflow Lite (mobile and embedded applications)
Distributed Tensorflow training with Distribution Strategies
Writing your own custom Tensorflow model
Converting Tensorflow 1.x code to Tensorflow 2.0
Constants, Variables, and Tensors
Eager execution
Gradient tape
Instructor’s Note: This course focuses on breadth rather than depth, with less theory in favor of building more cool stuff. If you are looking for a more theory-dense course, this is not it. Generally, for each of these topics (recommender systems, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, computer vision, GANs, etc.) I already have courses singularly focused on those topics.
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in class!
Check out the lecture “Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap” (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)
Every line of code explained in detail – email me any time if you disagree
No wasted time “typing” on the keyboard like other courses – let’s be honest, nobody can really write code worth learning about in just 20 minutes from scratch
Not afraid of university-level math – get important details about algorithms that other courses leave out
5Intro to Google Colab, how to use a GPU or TPU for freeVideo lesson
6Tensorflow 2.0 in Google ColabVideo lesson
7Uploading your own data to Google ColabVideo lesson
8Where can I learn about Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn?Video lesson
9How to Succeed in This CourseVideo lesson
10What is Machine Learning?Video lesson
11Code Preparation (Classification Theory)Video lesson
12Classification NotebookVideo lesson
13Code Preparation (Regression Theory)Video lesson
14Regression NotebookVideo lesson
15The NeuronVideo lesson
16How does a model "learn"?Video lesson
17Making PredictionsVideo lesson
18Saving and Loading a ModelVideo lesson
19Why Keras?Video lesson
20Suggestion BoxVideo lesson
21Artificial Neural Networks Section IntroductionVideo lesson
22Beginners Rejoice: The Math in This Course is OptionalVideo lesson
23Forward PropagationVideo lesson
24The Geometrical PictureVideo lesson
25Activation FunctionsVideo lesson
26Multiclass ClassificationVideo lesson
27How to Represent ImagesVideo lesson
28Code Preparation (ANN)Video lesson
29ANN for Image ClassificationVideo lesson
30ANN for RegressionVideo lesson
31What is Convolution? (part 1)Video lesson
32What is Convolution? (part 2)Video lesson
33What is Convolution? (part 3)Video lesson
34Convolution on Color ImagesVideo lesson
35CNN ArchitectureVideo lesson
36CNN Code PreparationVideo lesson
37CNN for Fashion MNISTVideo lesson
38CNN for CIFAR-10Video lesson
39Data AugmentationVideo lesson
40Batch NormalizationVideo lesson
41Improving CIFAR-10 ResultsVideo lesson
42Sequence DataVideo lesson
43ForecastingVideo lesson
44Autoregressive Linear Model for Time Series PredictionVideo lesson
45Proof that the Linear Model WorksVideo lesson
46Recurrent Neural NetworksVideo lesson
47RNN Code PreparationVideo lesson
48RNN for Time Series PredictionVideo lesson
49Paying Attention to ShapesVideo lesson
50GRU and LSTM (pt 1)Video lesson
51GRU and LSTM (pt 2)Video lesson
52A More Challenging SequenceVideo lesson
53Demo of the Long Distance ProblemVideo lesson
54RNN for Image Classification (Theory)Video lesson
55RNN for Image Classification (Code)Video lesson
56Stock Return Predictions using LSTMs (pt 1)Video lesson
57Stock Return Predictions using LSTMs (pt 2)Video lesson
58Stock Return Predictions using LSTMs (pt 3)Video lesson
59Other Ways to ForecastVideo lesson
68Transfer Learning TheoryVideo lesson
69Some Pre-trained Models (VGG, ResNet, Inception, MobileNet)Video lesson
70Large Datasets and Data GeneratorsVideo lesson
712 Approaches to Transfer LearningVideo lesson
72Transfer Learning Code (pt 1)Video lesson
73Transfer Learning Code (pt 2)Video lesson