Testing React with Jest and React Testing Library (RTL)
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
React Testing Library has become an extremely popular option for testing React, and with good reason! This detailed, comprehensive course provides a solid foundation for React app tests.
Best Practices
React Testing Library is famously opinionated about testing best practices, and is written to encourage these best practices. This course teaches:
testing behavior over testing implementation
tests that interact with your app the way a user would
finding elements by accessibility handles, to make sure your code is accessible as possible
Broad range of testing examples
The course apps start very with very simple examples (clicking a button to change its color) and work up to progressively more complicated testing concepts, such as:
testing asynchronous page changes
simulating data from a server using Mock Service Worker
applying a context provider to a component when rendering
The course builds up to complex concepts gradually, in a way designed to support your learning and ensure your success.
Practice your new skills
You will also have plenty of opportunities to practice what you’ve learned. The course provides “code quizzes” while building the course projects, where you can apply what you learned and then watch a video to see the solution. The (optional) final section provides even more exercises to complete the second app and reinforce concepts from the course.
Optional React lectures
Any significant React code covered in the course is isolated into separate lectures. Students have a choice: those who want to reinforce their React skills (or learn new ones!) can watch those lectures, while students who feel confident in their React skills can skip them.
Supportive Instructor
The instructor has a proven track record of responding to course Q&A in a helpful and supportive way. She loves to engage with students, answer questions about course concepts, and help debug students’ code for the course projects.
1Introduction to Testing Library and JestVideo lesson
2Create-React-AppVideo lesson
3First Test with Testing LibraryVideo lesson
4Jest and Jest-DOM AssertionsVideo lesson
5Jest: Watch Mode and How Tests WorkVideo lesson
6TDD: Test Driven DevelopmentVideo lesson
7React Testing Library PhilosophyVideo lesson
8Functional Testing vs Unit TestingVideo lesson
9TDD (Test Driven Development) vs BDD (Behavior Driven Development)Video lesson
10Testing Library and AccessibilityVideo lesson
11RESOURCE: Where to find code if you'd rather not write React for this courseText lesson
12TROUBLESHOOTING: Errors from Node 17 and aboveText lesson
13Overall Course PlanVideo lesson
14Start Color Button AppVideo lesson
15JEST-DOM BUG! False positives with camelCase `toHaveStyles`Text lesson
16`logRoles` method for debugging rolesVideo lesson
17Test Behavior when Clicking ButtonVideo lesson
18OPTIONAL React Code: Click Button to Change ColorVideo lesson
19Manual Acceptance TestingVideo lesson
20Test Initial Condition of Button and CheckboxVideo lesson
21OPTIONAL: Testing styles from imported CSS modulesText lesson
22Introduction to Code QuizzesVideo lesson
23Code Quiz! Confirm Button Disable on Checkbox CheckVideo lesson
24Code Quiz Solution: Confirm Button Disable on Checkbox CheckVideo lesson
25Finding Checkbox with LabelVideo lesson
26Code Quiz! Disabled Button Turns GrayVideo lesson
27Unit Testing FunctionsVideo lesson
28Code Quiz! Update Tests for New Color NamesVideo lesson
29When to Unit TestVideo lesson
30Review: Simple AppVideo lesson
31ESLint and PrettierVideo lesson
32ESLint for Testing Library and Jest-DOMVideo lesson
33Instructions for displaying ESLint in the status bar for ESLint extension 2.4.0+Text lesson
34Configure ESLint in VSCodeVideo lesson
35Configure Prettier in VSCodeVideo lesson
36Review: ESLint and PrettierVideo lesson
37Introduction to Sundaes on DemandVideo lesson
38ESLint and Prettier SetupVideo lesson
39React Bootstrap SetupVideo lesson
40Code Organization and Introduction to SummaryFormVideo lesson
41Code Quiz: Checkbox Enables ButtonVideo lesson
42OPTIONAL React Code: SummaryForm Checkbox and ButtonVideo lesson
43React Bootstrap Popover and Testing Library userEventVideo lesson
44IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!: code update required to avoid errorsText lesson
45Replace `fireEvent` with `userEvent`Video lesson
46Screen Query MethodsVideo lesson
47Testing Element is Not on Page: Popover TestsVideo lesson
48OPTIONAL React Code: PopoverVideo lesson
49Review: Summary FormVideo lesson
50OrderEntry Server Data IntroductionVideo lesson
51Introduction to Mock Service Worker and HandlersVideo lesson
52Why not mock axios using Jest?Text lesson
53Setting up the Mock Service Worker ServerVideo lesson
54Tests with Mock Service Worker: Scoop OptionsVideo lesson
55IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ: axios issue with 1.xText lesson
56OPTIONAL React Code: Options and ScoopOption ComponentsVideo lesson
57Using `await findBy` to Find Elements that Populate AsynchronouslyVideo lesson
58Code Quiz! Topping Options from ServerVideo lesson
59TROUBLESHOOTING: `Unable to find role="img"` errorText lesson
60Error Server Response PlanningVideo lesson
61Simulating Server Error Response in TestsVideo lesson
62OPTIONAL React Code: Alert Banner for Options Server ErrorVideo lesson
63Running only Selected Tests, and `waitFor`Video lesson
64TROUBLESHOOTING: Tests passing but getting warnings / errors?Text lesson
65OPTIONAL: Frequent Question: Why doesn't "name" work with the role "alert"?Text lesson
66Review: Server Error Response and Test Debugging ToolsVideo lesson
67Intro to Tests for Total and SubtotalsVideo lesson
68Entering Text Input: Subtotal TestsVideo lesson
69OPTIONAL React Code: OrderDetails ContextVideo lesson
70OPTIONAL React Code: Use Context to Display Scoops SubtotalVideo lesson
71Adding Context to Test SetupVideo lesson
72TROUBLESHOOTING: "not wrapped in act(...)" error during next lectureText lesson
73Creating Custom Render to Wrap in Provider By DefaultVideo lesson
74Review: Scoops Subtotal with ContextVideo lesson
75Code Quiz! Toppings SubtotalVideo lesson
76OPTIONAL React Code: Toppings CheckboxesVideo lesson
77Note on equivalent error strings for next lectureText lesson
78Code Quiz! Grand TotalVideo lesson
79"Not wrapped in act()..." ErrorVideo lesson
80OPTIONAL: Why is the explicit unmount neededText lesson
81Manual Acceptance TestingVideo lesson
82Introduction to Final Exam: Order PhasesVideo lesson
83Adding a New Handler: Copy/Paste Warning!Video lesson
84Debugging TipsVideo lesson
85OPTIONAL React Hints for Order Phase CodingVideo lesson
86Final Exam SolutionVideo lesson
87TROUBLESHOOTING: "loading" test failsText lesson
88OPTIONAL React Code: Order PhasesVideo lesson
89Jest Mock Functions as PropsVideo lesson
90Review: Final Exam, and Introduction to Optional PracticeVideo lesson
91Common Mistakes with React Testing LibraryText lesson