The Modern React Bootcamp (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router)
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
EXPANDED and UPDATED to include new sections on Next JS and Server-Side Rendering!
Welcome to the best online resource for learning React! Published in April 2019, this course is brand new and covers the latest in React. This course follows the exact same React curriculum my in-person bootcamp students follow in San Francisco, where students have gone on to get jobs at places like Google, Apple, Pinterest, & Linkedin. This is the most polished React course online, and it’s the only course that is based on REAL bootcamp curriculum that has been tried and tested in the classroom.
This course builds up concepts one at a time, cementing each new topic with an expertly designed exercise or project to test your knowledge. It includes a huge variety of beautiful exercises, projects, and games that we create together from scratch. Sometimes we mix things up and give you a broken React app and ask you to fix it or optimize the code. Check out the promo video to see a couple of the course exercises. The course culminates in one huge capstone project, which is the largest project I’ve ever built for any of my online courses. I’m really excited about it 🙂
React is the most popular JS library around, and there’s never been a better time to learn it! Companies all over the world are turning to React to help manage their JavaScript chaos, including tech giants like Facebook, Airbnb, and Uber. React is consistently voted the most loved and most wanted front-end framework by developers, and it’s clear why! React is a joy to use, and it makes writing maintainable and modular JavaScript code a breeze.
If you’re new to frameworks, React is the ideal first framework to learn. It’s easy enough to learn the basics, but it doesn’t teach you bad habits. Even if you’ve already enrolled in another React course, this course is worth your time for the exercises and projects alone! This curriculum is the product of two years of development and iteration in the bootcamp classroom. All the lectures, exercises, and projects have been tweaked and improved based on real student feedback. You won’t find anything else online as structured and polished as this course.
The highlights:
Learn React, from the very basics up to advanced topics like Next JS, React Router, Higher Order Components and Hooks and the Context API.
Build one massive capstone application, complete with drag & drop, animations, route transitions, complex form validations, and more.
Learn the latest in React, including Hooks (my favorite part of React!). We build a complete app using Hooks, including multiple custom hooks.
Learn state management using the useContext and useReducer hooks, to mimic some of the functionality of Redux.
You get tons of detailed handouts and cheatsheets that you can refer back to whenever you need to. Think of this as a React textbook you can study at any point if you get tired of videos.
What you get:
250+ videos
Slick, interactive slide decks custom made for each section
Detailed handouts and cheatsheets, the React “textbook”.
Dozens of exercises, projects, and quizzes.
One massive code-along project with nearly 20 different React components.
Free Webpack Mini Course!
1Welcome to the Course!Video lesson
2Join The Community!Text lesson
3Intro to ReactVideo lesson
4Is React a Framework or Library?Video lesson
5Introducing Components!Video lesson
6Looking at a Large AppVideo lesson
7Setting Up Your ServerVideo lesson
8Writing Our First ComponentVideo lesson
9Function Vs. Class ComponentsVideo lesson
10Download All Code, Slides, & HandoutsVideo lesson
16Intro to React PropsVideo lesson
17Props are Immutable?Video lesson
18Other Types of PropsVideo lesson
19Pie Chart Component Demo w/ PropsVideo lesson
20EXERCISE: Slot MachineVideo lesson
21EXERCISE: Slot Machine SolutionVideo lesson
22Looping in JSXVideo lesson
23Adding Default PropsVideo lesson
24Styling ReactVideo lesson
25Intro to Create React AppVideo lesson
262 Ways of Installing CRAVideo lesson
27Creating a New AppVideo lesson
28Starting Up the ServerVideo lesson
29Modules: Import & Export Crash CourseVideo lesson
30EXERICSE: Fruits ModulesVideo lesson
31EXERCISE: Fruits Modules SolutionVideo lesson
32Create React App ConventionsVideo lesson
33CSS and Assets in Create React AppVideo lesson
41State GoalsVideo lesson
42Quick Detour: React Dev ToolsVideo lesson
43State in GeneralVideo lesson
44Initializing StateVideo lesson
46WTF is super() Vs. super(props)Video lesson
47Setting State CorrectlyVideo lesson
48Crash Course: Click Events in ReactVideo lesson
50EXERCISE: State ClickerVideo lesson
51EXERCISE: State Clicker SolutionVideo lesson
52The "State As Props" Design PatternVideo lesson
58Updating Existing StateVideo lesson
59Mutating State the Safe WayVideo lesson
60Designing State: Minimizing StateVideo lesson
61Designing State: Downward Data FlowVideo lesson
62State Design Example: LotteryVideo lesson
63State Design Example: LottoBall ComponentVideo lesson
64State Design Example: Lottery ComponentVideo lesson
69Commonly Used React EventsVideo lesson
70The Joys of Method Binding :(Video lesson
71Alternative Binding With Class PropertiesVideo lesson
72Binding With ArgumentsVideo lesson
73Passing Methods to Child ComponentsVideo lesson
74Parent-Child Method NamingVideo lesson
75Quick Detour: React KeysVideo lesson
76Introducing The Hangman ExerciseVideo lesson
77Starter Code WalkthroughVideo lesson
78Adding KeysVideo lesson
79Tracking Incorrect GuessesVideo lesson
80Adding Game OverVideo lesson
81Adding Alt TextVideo lesson
82Randomizing WordsVideo lesson
83Adding a Reset ButtonVideo lesson
84Making the Game Winnable & StylingVideo lesson