Typescript: The Complete Developer's Guide
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Composition vs Inheritance? You’ll understand it. Build your own web framework? You’ll do it. Typescript with React/Redux? It’s here!
This is the best course online for mastering Typescript.
Every other course online teaches you the basic syntax and features of Typescript, but only this course will show you how to apply Typescript on real projects, instructing you how to build large, successful projects through example.
Typescript is a ‘super-set’ of Javascript. That means that if you already know Javascript, you are ready to take this course. Typescript adds in several important features to Javascript, including a type system. This type system is designed to help you catch errors during development, rather than when you are running your code. That means you’ll be twice as productive by catching bugs earlier in development. But besides the type system, Typescript also provides several tools for structuring large codebases and writing truly reusable code.
Mastering Typescript by reading the documentation alone is challenging. Although you might know what a ‘typed array’ or an ‘interface’ is, the documentation (and other courses!) don’t show you where to use this features, or how to use them effectively. The goal of this course is to help you understand why each feature of Typescript exists, and exactly where to use them.
Top companies are hungry for Typescript developers. Some of the largest web apps today are being built with Typescript. Employers are scrambling to find engineers who are fluent with this cutting edge system. Solid knowledge of Typescript will make you far more employable, by giving you a unique skill that few other engineers possess.
Planning on building your own apps? Using Typescript will help you structure your project correctly from day one, ensuring that you won’t be crushed under technical debt at some critical stage of your company. In this course, you’ll learn how to write reusable code, with a tremendous emphasis on leveraging classes and interfaces to make swappable ‘widgets’. You will be able to reconfigure your apps on the fly to build wildly different features with only a minimum amount of effort
Learn from someone who has worked on one of the largest Typescript projects around. On professional projects of my own, I have developed plugins for an open-source, browser-based code editor called Theia. The Theia project is absolutely gargantuan in scale, encompassing hundreds of thousands of lines of code, all written in Typescript. This project works only thanks to the power of Typescript.
But don’t just take my word for it – check out the reviews for this course! You’ll see that other engineers, just like yourself, have had great success and acquired a new understanding of how to build scalable web applications.
There is just too much content in this course to summarize in a few short words, but here is a partial listing of the different skills you’ll master:
Understand why Composition vs Inheritance is the most mis-understood topic in the Javascript community
Master the fundamental features of Typescript by working on real world projects
We’ll build a custom front-end framework from scratch that you can use in place of React or Angular on your own personal projects
Comprehend the complex interplay between classes and interfaces, and why these two pieces of Typescript enable you to build incredibly reusable code
Dive deeper into Typescript with decorators, which we’ll use to build a custom integration between Typescript and Express
Structure your React and Redux applications more confidently by understanding how to couple them with Typescript
Skip the documentation for third party libraries by fluently reading type definition files
Learn just how smart Typescript is by experiencing how deeply it analyzes your code for errors
I learned Typescript years ago by hard trial-and-error. Now you can learn at 5x the speed I did. This is the course that I wish I had when I first got started with Typescript.

1How to Get HelpVideo lesson
2Join Our Community!Text lesson
3Course ResourcesText lesson
4Typescript OverviewVideo lesson
5Environment SetupVideo lesson
6Important Axios Version InformationText lesson
7A First AppVideo lesson
8Executing Typescript CodeVideo lesson
9One Quick ChangeVideo lesson
10Catching Errors with TypescriptVideo lesson
11Catching More Errors!Video lesson
18Type Annotations and InferenceVideo lesson
19Annotations with VariablesVideo lesson
20Object Literal AnnotationsVideo lesson
21Annotations Around FunctionsVideo lesson
22Understanding InferenceVideo lesson
23The 'Any' TypeVideo lesson
24Fixing the 'Any' TypeVideo lesson
25Delayed InitializationVideo lesson
26When Inference Doesn't WorkVideo lesson
40InterfacesVideo lesson
41Long Type AnnotationsVideo lesson
42Fixing Long Annotations with InterfacesVideo lesson
43Syntax Around InterfacesVideo lesson
44Functions in InterfacesVideo lesson
45Code Reuse with InterfacesVideo lesson
46General Plan with InterfacesVideo lesson
54Updated Parcel InstructionsText lesson
55App OverviewVideo lesson
56Bundling with ParcelVideo lesson
57Project StructureVideo lesson
58IMPORTANT Info About Faker InstallationText lesson
59Generating Random DataVideo lesson
60Type Definition FilesVideo lesson
61Using Type Definition FilesVideo lesson
62Export Statements in TypescriptVideo lesson
63Defining a CompanyVideo lesson
64Note on Generating an API KeyText lesson
65Adding Google Maps SupportVideo lesson
66Required Update for New @types LibraryText lesson
67Google Maps IntegrationVideo lesson
68Exploring Type Definition FilesVideo lesson
69Hiding FunctionalityVideo lesson
70Why Use Private Modifiers? Here's WhyVideo lesson
71Adding MarkersVideo lesson
72Duplicate CodeVideo lesson
73One Possible SolutionVideo lesson
74Restricting Access with InterfacesVideo lesson
75Implicit Type ChecksVideo lesson
76Showing Popup WindowsVideo lesson
77Updating Interface DefinitionsVideo lesson
78Optional Implements ClausesVideo lesson
79App WrapupVideo lesson