Understanding TypeScript
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
Join this bestselling, completely updated course to learn TypeScript from the ground up, in great depth!
Learn what TypeScript is, why it really is a powerful addition to JavaScript, what its features are and how to use it! Learn why TypeScript is amazing, how it improves your JavaScript code and how it helps you avoid nasty bugs and errors!
This course takes you from the very basics and its most important feature (types!) to the point where you’re able to use TypeScript in any of your projects. ReactJS projects included!
As TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and strongly advertised and used by Angular 2+ (Google) and other popular libraries, it’s here to stay. Indeed, TypeScript is one of the most popular web development languages you can learn these days!
Gain an edge today and be amongst the first to really understand TypeScript!
Learn how you can use TypeScript to bring modern JS features like destructuring, arrow functions or classes to any environment and codebase – even if it does not support those features yet! Understand which types you may use and how you can build your own types. Learn how to write better code with types and with the many features offered by TypeScript!
But, in this course, we’ll not stop after the basics! You will also learn about more advanced features (like decorators) and also how to set up workflows with TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript-only workflow as well as a webpack workflow.
You’ll also learn that you’re not limited to Angular or plain JavaScript/ TypeScript projects. Instead, a complete module covers how you may use TypeScript with ReactJS and improve your React code with TypeScript as well.
Practice what you learn!
Watching videos is a great way to learn. And to a lot of students, it’s the best way. If you also want to practice the things you learn, this course offers you more than that though. Because this course comes with plenty of exercises (and solutions, of course) in addition to all the high-quality learning videos.
So much Content!
I’m not a fan of these courses which teach you the basics and then leave you alone. Instead, in this course you’ll get insights into:
Types and how to use them
How the TypeScript compiler works (and how you may configure it)
ES6 features with TypeScript
Classes in TypeScript
Namespaces and modules
How to integrate Third-Party JavaScript libraries into your TypeScript projects
How to set up a TypeScript project with webpack
Or how to set up a plain-TypeScript workflow
How to use TypeScript together with ReactJS
How to use TypeScript together with Node/ Express
Real projects and use-cases!
And so much more!
1Welcome to the Course!Video lesson
Welcome to the course! Let me guide you through what you can expect from the course!
2What Is TypeScript & Why Should You Use It?Video lesson
What is TypeScript and why is it awesome? In this lecture, we'll take a closer look at the advantages and new features TypeScript adds to JavaScript.
3Join Our Learning CommunityText lesson
4Installing & Using TypeScriptVideo lesson
Time to get started! Learn how to install TypeScript globally on your system and how to use it in your first little demo project.
5TypeScript Advantages - OverviewVideo lesson
Time to summarize the advantages we learned about over the last lecture - what's amazing about TypeScript?
6Course OutlineVideo lesson
What exactly is in the course? Here's a complete outline!
7How To Get The Most Out Of The CourseVideo lesson
Your success matters to me - here's how you get the most out of this TypeScript course!
8Setting Up A Code Editor / IDEVideo lesson
In order to be productive, we need a good coding setup. In this lecture, we'll set up VS Code to write TypeScript code efficiently.
9The Course Project SetupVideo lesson
Throughout this TypeScript course, we'll often start with a blank project - in this lecture, we'll create that blank starting project.
10Module IntroductionVideo lesson
11Using TypesVideo lesson
12TypeScript Types vs JavaScript TypesVideo lesson
13Important: Type CasingText lesson
14Working with Numbers, Strings & BooleansVideo lesson
15Type Assignment & Type InferenceVideo lesson
16Understanding TypesCuestionario
17Object TypesVideo lesson
18Nested Objects & TypesText lesson
19Arrays TypesVideo lesson
20Working with TuplesVideo lesson
21Working with EnumsVideo lesson
22The "any" TypeVideo lesson
23Union TypesVideo lesson
24Literal TypesVideo lesson
25Type Aliases / Custom TypesVideo lesson
26Type Aliases & Object TypesText lesson
27Core Types & ConceptsCuestionario
28Function Return Types & "void"Video lesson
29Functions as TypesVideo lesson
30Function Types & CallbacksVideo lesson
31Functions & TypesCuestionario
32The "unknown" TypeVideo lesson
33The "never" TypeVideo lesson
34Wrap UpVideo lesson
35Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
36Module IntroductionVideo lesson
37Using "Watch Mode"Video lesson
38Compiling the Entire Project / Multiple FilesVideo lesson
39Including & Excluding FilesVideo lesson
40Setting a Compilation TargetVideo lesson
41Understanding TypeScript Core LibsVideo lesson
42More Configuration & Compilation OptionsVideo lesson
43Working with Source MapsVideo lesson
44rootDir and outDirVideo lesson
45Stop Emitting Files on Compilation ErrorsVideo lesson
46Strict CompilationVideo lesson
47Code Quality OptionsVideo lesson
48Debugging with Visual Studio CodeVideo lesson
49Wrap UpVideo lesson
50Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
51Module IntroductionVideo lesson
52"let" and "const"Video lesson
53Arrow FunctionsVideo lesson
54Default Function ParametersVideo lesson
55The Spread Operator (...)Video lesson
56Rest ParametersVideo lesson
57Array & Object DestructuringVideo lesson
58How Code Gets Compiled & Wrap UpVideo lesson
59Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
60Module IntroductionVideo lesson
61What are Classes?Video lesson
62Creating a First ClassVideo lesson
63Compiling to JavaScriptVideo lesson
64Constructor Functions & The "this" KeywordVideo lesson
65"private" and "public" Access ModifiersVideo lesson
66Shorthand InitializationVideo lesson
67"readonly" PropertiesVideo lesson
68Class BasicsCuestionario
69InheritanceVideo lesson
70Overriding Properties & The "protected" ModifierVideo lesson
71Getters & SettersVideo lesson
72Static Methods & PropertiesVideo lesson
73Abstract ClassesVideo lesson
74Singletons & Private ConstructorsVideo lesson
75Classes - A SummaryVideo lesson
77A First InterfaceVideo lesson
78Using Interfaces with ClassesVideo lesson
79Why Interfaces?Video lesson
80Readonly Interface PropertiesVideo lesson
81Extending InterfacesVideo lesson
82Interfaces as Function TypesVideo lesson
83Optional Parameters & PropertiesVideo lesson
84Compiling Interfaces to JavaScriptVideo lesson
86Wrap UpVideo lesson
87Useful Resources & LinksText lesson