React 18 Tutorial and Projects Course (2023)
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is developed and maintained by Facebook, and is often used for building single-page applications and mobile applications.
One reason to learn React is that it is a popular and in-demand technology, so learning it can improve your job prospects and make it easier to find work as a front-end developer. React is also a good choice for building modern web applications because it is efficient, scalable, and fast, and it uses a virtual DOM (a lightweight in-memory representation of the actual DOM) to minimize the number of DOM manipulations required, which makes it easier to build high-performance applications.
Another reason to learn React is that it is a well-designed and flexible library that makes it easy to build reusable components that can be composed to build complex user interfaces. This makes it easier to maintain and update your codebase over time, as you can reuse components in multiple places rather than having to rewrite the same code multiple times.
Overall, React is a powerful and widely used tool for building modern web applications, and learning it can be a valuable addition to your skillset as a front-end developer.
During the course we are going to use latest version of React – React 18.
As far as concepts we are going to cover
– React Fundamentals
– useState hook
– useEffect hook
– conditional rendering
– forms
– useRef hook
– useReducer hook
– prop drilling
– context api
– custom hooks
– useCallback hook
– useMemo hook
– React Router 6
– axios http library
– redux-toolkit
All Project Intros are available for preview.
Here are some of the projects we are going to build in this course
1. Birthday Reminder
2. Tours
3. Reviews
4. Accordion
5. Menu
6. Tabs
7. Slider
8. Lorem Ipsum
9. Color Generator
10. Grocery Bud
11. Navbar
12. Sidebar and Modal
13. Stripe Menu
14. Cart
15. Cocktails
16. Markdown Preview
17. Random Person
18. Pagination
19. Stock Photos
20. Dark Mode
21. Movies DB
22. Hacker News
23. Quiz
24. Github Users
25. E-Commerce
26. Jobster
13IntroVideo lesson
14Github RepositoryText lesson
15Folder StructureVideo lesson
16Remove BoilerplateVideo lesson
17First ComponentVideo lesson
18Extensions and SettingsVideo lesson
19Create Element FunctionVideo lesson
20JSX RulesVideo lesson
21Nest ComponentsVideo lesson
22React Developer ToolsVideo lesson
23BookListVideo lesson
24CSSVideo lesson
25Local Images (public folder)Video lesson
26JSX - CSSVideo lesson
27JSX - JavascriptVideo lesson
28Props - Basic SetupVideo lesson
29Props - Somewhat Dynamic SetupVideo lesson
30Props - Multiple ApproachesVideo lesson
31Children PropVideo lesson
32Simple ListVideo lesson
33Proper ListVideo lesson
34Key PropVideo lesson
35Object as a PropVideo lesson
36Event BasicsVideo lesson
37Form SubmissionVideo lesson
38Form Submission - Button ExampleVideo lesson
39Anonymous Function (arrow)Video lesson
40Components FeatureVideo lesson
41Prop DrillingVideo lesson
42Complex Example - IntroVideo lesson
43Complex Example - BugVideo lesson
44Complex Example - FixVideo lesson
45ES6 ModulesVideo lesson
46Local Images (src folder)Video lesson
47Numbers ChallengeVideo lesson
48Title ChallengeVideo lesson
49Build FolderVideo lesson
50DeploymentVideo lesson
51IntroVideo lesson
52Github RepositoryText lesson
53SetupVideo lesson
54InstallVideo lesson
55SRC BoilerplateVideo lesson
56StructureVideo lesson
57ComponentsVideo lesson
58Nav LogoVideo lesson
59Smooth ScrollVideo lesson
60Page LinksVideo lesson
61Social LinksVideo lesson
62Hero and About ComponentsVideo lesson
63Title ComponentVideo lesson
64Services ComponentVideo lesson
65Tours ComponentVideo lesson
66Footer ComponentVideo lesson
67Alternative Approach - Page Links ComponentVideo lesson
68Alternative Approach - More ComponentsVideo lesson
69Continuous Deployment - SetupVideo lesson
70Continuous Deployment - BenefitsVideo lesson
71Continuous Deployment "Gotcha"Video lesson