Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, and Machine Learning
- Descripción
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Hello friends!
Welcome to Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, and Machine Learning in Python.
Time Series Analysis has become an especially important field in recent years.
With inflation on the rise, many are turning to the stock market and cryptocurrencies in order to ensure their savings do not lose their value.
COVID-19 has shown us how forecasting is an essential tool for driving public health decisions.
Businesses are becoming increasingly efficient, forecasting inventory and operational needs ahead of time.
Let me cut to the chase. This is not your average Time Series Analysis course. This course covers modern developments such as deep learning, time series classification (which can drive user insights from smartphone data, or read your thoughts from electrical activity in the brain), and more.
We will cover techniques such as:
ETS and Exponential Smoothing
Holt’s Linear Trend Model
Holt-Winters Model
Vector Autoregression and Moving Average Models (VAR, VMA, VARMA)
Machine Learning Models (including Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forests)
Deep Learning Models (Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Recurrent Neural Networks)
GRUs and LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting
We will cover applications such as:
Time series forecasting of sales data
Time series forecasting of stock prices and stock returns
Time series classification of smartphone data to predict user behavior
The VIP version of the course will cover even more exciting topics, such as:
AWS Forecast (Amazon’s state-of-the-art low-code forecasting API)
GARCH (financial volatility modeling)
FB Prophet (Facebook’s time series library)
So what are you waiting for? Signup now to get lifetime access, a certificate of completion you can show off on your LinkedIn profile, and the skills to use the latest time series analysis techniques that you cannot learn anywhere else.
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in class!
Every line of code explained in detail – email me any time if you disagree
No wasted time “typing” on the keyboard like other courses – let’s be honest, nobody can really write code worth learning about in just 20 minutes from scratch
Not afraid of university-level math – get important details about algorithms that other courses leave out
7Time Series Basics Section IntroductionVideo lesson
8What is a Time Series?Video lesson
9Modeling vs. PredictingVideo lesson
10Why Do We Care About Shapes?Video lesson
11Types of TasksVideo lesson
12Power, Log, and Box-Cox TransformationsVideo lesson
13Power, Log, and Box-Cox Transformations in CodeVideo lesson
14Forecasting MetricsVideo lesson
15Financial Time Series PrimerVideo lesson
16Price Simulations in CodeVideo lesson
17Random Walks and the Random Walk HypothesisVideo lesson
18The Naive Forecast and the Importance of BaselinesVideo lesson
19Naive Forecast and Forecasting Metrics in CodeVideo lesson
20Time Series Basics Section SummaryVideo lesson
21Suggestion BoxVideo lesson
22Exponential Smoothing Section IntroductionVideo lesson
23Exponential Smoothing Intuition for BeginnersVideo lesson
24SMA TheoryVideo lesson
25SMA CodeVideo lesson
26EWMA TheoryVideo lesson
27EWMA CodeVideo lesson
28SES TheoryVideo lesson
29SES CodeVideo lesson
30Holt's Linear Trend Model (Theory)Video lesson
31Holt's Linear Trend Model (Code)Video lesson
32Holt-Winters (Theory)Video lesson
33Holt-Winters (Code)Video lesson
34Walk-Forward ValidationVideo lesson
35Walk-Forward Validation in CodeVideo lesson
36Application: Sales DataVideo lesson
37Application: Stock PredictionsVideo lesson
38SMA Application: COVID-19 CountingVideo lesson
39SMA Application: Algorithmic TradingVideo lesson
40Exponential Smoothing Section SummaryVideo lesson
41(Optional) More About State-Space ModelsVideo lesson
42ARIMA Section IntroductionVideo lesson
43Autoregressive Models - AR(p)Video lesson
44Moving Average Models - MA(q)Video lesson
45ARIMAVideo lesson
46ARIMA in CodeVideo lesson
47StationarityVideo lesson
48Stationarity in CodeVideo lesson
49ACF (Autocorrelation Function)Video lesson
50PACF (Partial Autocorrelation Funtion)Video lesson
51ACF and PACF in Code (pt 1)Video lesson
52ACF and PACF in Code (pt 2)Video lesson
53Auto ARIMA and SARIMAXVideo lesson
54Model Selection, AIC and BICVideo lesson
55Auto ARIMA in CodeVideo lesson
56Auto ARIMA in Code (Stocks)Video lesson
57ACF and PACF for Stock ReturnsVideo lesson
58Auto ARIMA in Code (Sales Data)Video lesson
59How to Forecast with ARIMAVideo lesson
60Forecasting Out-Of-SampleVideo lesson
61ARIMA Section SummaryVideo lesson
62Vector Autoregression Section IntroductionVideo lesson
63VAR and VARMA TheoryVideo lesson
64VARMA Code (pt 1)Video lesson
65VARMA Code (pt 2)Video lesson
66VARMA Code (pt 3)Video lesson
67VARMA Econometrics Code (pt 1)Video lesson
68VARMA Econometrics Code (pt 2)Video lesson
69Granger CausalityVideo lesson
70Granger Causality CodeVideo lesson
71Converting Between Models (Optional)Video lesson
72Vector Autoregression Section SummaryVideo lesson
73Machine Learning Section IntroductionVideo lesson
74Supervised Machine Learning: Classification and RegressionVideo lesson
75Autoregressive Machine Learning ModelsVideo lesson
76Machine Learning Algorithms: Linear RegressionVideo lesson
77Machine Learning Algorithms: Logistic RegressionVideo lesson
78Machine Learning Algorithms: Support Vector MachinesVideo lesson
79Machine Learning Algorithms: Random ForestVideo lesson
80Extrapolation and Stock PricesVideo lesson
81Machine Learning for Time Series Forecasting in Code (pt 1)Video lesson
82Forecasting with DifferencingVideo lesson
83Machine Learning for Time Series Forecasting in Code (pt 2)Video lesson
84Application: Sales DataVideo lesson
85Application: Predicting Stock Prices and ReturnsVideo lesson
86Application: Predicting Stock MovementsVideo lesson
87Machine Learning Section SummaryVideo lesson