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1596 valoraciones

MERN Stack Course - MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS

Build Full Stack Application from Scratch with MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS
John Smilga
12.591 Estudiantes inscritos
  • Descripción
  • Currículum
  • Reseñas

What’s up everybody, this is John from Coding Addict and welcome to my MERN Stack course . During the course we will build full stack application (Jobify) from scratch, using MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js

During the course we will :

  • Create a front-end application from scratch (React)

  • Add normalize.css and global styles to React Application

  • Build bunch of nice looking pages (Landing, Error, Register, Dashboard, etc)

  • Setup nice looking images

  • Setup routing using React Router 6

  • Create a global context using createContext and utilize useContext hook

  • Setup a global state using useReducer hook

  • Create global Alert component

  • Create server application from scratch

  • Use ES6 Modules on the back-end

  • Implement “nodemon” package

  • Setup MongoDB database in the cloud (Atlas)

  • Create routes and controllers

  • Extensively test in POSTMAN

  • Validate Email

  • Utilize “express-async-errors” package

  • Setup error handling in Express

  • Hash passwords

  • Implement JWT for authentication and authorization

  • Connect front-end application with our server

  • Utilize “concurrently” package

  • Setup “proxy” in create-react-app

  • Programmatically navigate using React Router 6

  • Persist data in local storage

  • Compare passwords

  • Setup nested pages and protected route using React Router 6

  • Setup create layout using React Router 6

  • Implement logout functionality

  • Set JWT token in Postman programmatically

  • Implement various Axios configurations

  • Setup moment.js on the front-end and back-end

  • Complete CRUD functionality

  • Setup permissions on the server

  • Create mock data (Mockaroo) and populate the database.

  • Setup nice charts and cards

  • Implement search/filter functionality on the server and front-end

  • Implement pagination on the server and front-end

  • Deploy MERN application to Heroku

1596 valoraciones
Estrellas 5
Estrellas 4
Estrellas 3
Estrellas 2
Estrellas 1
MERN Stack Course - MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS
1596 valoraciones
Obtener este curso
Garantía de devolución de dinero de 30 días
Detalles del curso
Vídeo 21 horas
Conferencias 4
Certificado de finalización
Acceso completo de por vida
Acceso en el móvil y en la televisión