React + Redux - The beginner guide. (2023 edition)
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
*2023 Edition* – React last version / Redux last version
About this course
You heard about it. Born from a collaboration between Instagram and Facebook : React
React is a Javascript library used to create web interfaces. It’s extremely powerfull, performant and modular.
And since it’s out, everybody is talking about it , it is used by Facebook, Netflix, Yahoo ,AirBnB and many others !
React is the web technology you must know, it is the most popular javascript library used at the moment to create web app. There is a lot of market demand for it; that is why It’s an extremely valuable asset to add to your developper tool belt.
This courses teaches the very basis of React and Redux with all the modern features you want and need to know.
“React + Redux – The guide (2023 Edition)” aim to make you fluent with React and Redux as fast as possible.
We will discover all the basics and the core concepts of React and Redux. We will mostly use practice to do that, since, to me, it is the most efficient way to learn.
In this course we will start from the very basis and we will build together several apps using React but also Redux.
If you never heard about Redux, just keep in mind that it is used in 90% of professional React projects to manage the data of you app. That is why it’s a very important library to know when learning React. They are very often combined.
We will apply everything you’ll learn in these videos through real example and real web apps.
Also, for each video you will watch, there will be a correction available, to make it easier for you to follow.
Finally these courses are specifically designed to be accessible and easy to understand, with a lot of schema and examples, so, you don’t need to be an algorithm killer or 15 years of experience developper to understand it. It’s made for all.
I will explain what I know assuming that you don’t now React nor Redux at all.
And off course, all of that : in a good mood and teached in a casual way !
See you soon !
* Summary *
— Setup a React 18 project
— Setup Redux with Redux Toolkit
— Components
— States
— Props
— Hooks ( useEffect, useContexts, useRef, useNavigation, useRoute, useSelector, useDispatch, useMemo)
— Contexts
— Refs
— Forms and validations
— Authentification + Signup with Firebase
— Using Firebase Firestore as real time back-end
— Navigation with React router
— Callback functions
— ES6 functions (map, reduce, filter)
— Styling (css modules, JSS, Bootstrap)
— Understand NPM
— Write in Redux store
— Read from Redux
— Understanding slices,actions reducers
— Redux middlewares
— Make redux persistent to keep your data even after refreshing
— Set up a fake server with Json-server
— Asynchronous requests
— React app deployment on the web
— Testing with Jest and React testing library
— Custom hooks
— Make your app support multiples languages with i18n
And much much more incoming soon.

7Virtual DOM ?Video lesson
8Coding our root componentVideo lesson
9What about all these files ?Video lesson
11All the things you can renderVideo lesson
12What can you render ?Cuestionario
13Render several componentsCuestionario
14(optional) - ES6 importsVideo lesson
15Code editor, NodeJS, NPMVideo lesson
16Format your codeVideo lesson
17Theme and pluginsText lesson
18Props - part 1Video lesson
19Props - part 1Cuestionario
20Props - part 2Video lesson
21Props - part 2Cuestionario
22StatesVideo lesson
24Unexpected states behavioursVideo lesson
25StylingVideo lesson
26Multiples css modules classes in one classNameVideo lesson
28Callback functionsVideo lesson
30Babel the transpilerVideo lesson
31Webpack the asset bundlerVideo lesson
34Project overviewVideo lesson
35Picker - part 1Video lesson
36Picker - part 2Video lesson
37Events and arrow functionsVideo lesson
38LoopsVideo lesson
40(optional) - The map() ES6 functionVideo lesson
42Improve our Picker using map()Video lesson
44Project overviewVideo lesson
45Update on The Movie Database register flow.Text lesson
46Set up our projectVideo lesson
47Our project architectureVideo lesson
48Bootstrap (optional)Video lesson
49Quick note about fontsText lesson
50Layouting the appVideo lesson
51(optional) - Handling errors with Try, Catch, Finally and ThrowVideo lesson
52(optional) - ES6 Promises - Async/AwaitVideo lesson
53Data fetching - fetch popular showsVideo lesson
54Hook - useEffect()Video lesson
56useEffect cleanup functionVideo lesson
57Saving data in states - Set popular tv showVideo lesson
58Tv show detail componentVideo lesson
59Rating componentVideo lesson
60Static images - Display the logoVideo lesson
61TV show list itemVideo lesson
62Fetching recommendationsVideo lesson
63TV show listVideo lesson
64Styling the scrollbarVideo lesson
65Event/Callback - Clicking a recommendationVideo lesson
66Searchbar - Design partVideo lesson
67Searchbar - Handling keystrokesVideo lesson
68Handling requests errorsVideo lesson
69Cleaning the input after a requestVideo lesson
74What is Redux and why Redux ?Video lesson
75Project expense trackerVideo lesson
76Redux setupVideo lesson
77Initializing the store with valuesVideo lesson
78Redux actionsVideo lesson
79useDispatch() - Writing in the Redux storeVideo lesson
80useSelector() - Read the Redux storeVideo lesson
81Income input componentVideo lesson
82[Optional] - ES6 - ReduceVideo lesson
83Total componentVideo lesson
84A Redux diagramVideo lesson
85Persisting the storeVideo lesson
86Redux middlewareVideo lesson