The Complete React Developer Course (w/ Hooks and Redux)
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This course was just updated to support React v16, React Hooks, the Context API, and more!
Have you tried to learn React before?
It’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of libraries and tools only to come out of it not knowing how to build and launch a real-world React application. You get things configured, but you’re not sure how the libraries fit together (or if you’re even using the right one).
Sound familiar?
I built this course to show you how you can build and launch real-world React web applications.
The Complete React Web Developer Course 2 starts with the fundamentals and covers everything you’ll need to build and launch React web apps.
You’ll see what it takes to build and launch a React app, from the first line of code to the final production deployment.
This course was designed around one goal: turning you into a professional React developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.
You’ll learn React by doing, not watching.
From the first videos you’ll be building out each project as well as completing programming challenges I’ve designed to test and reinforce what you’ve learned.
Throughout the course you’ll build two React web apps:
The first app, a decision-making app called Indecision, is our starter application. You’ll learn the fundamentals of React while seeing exactly what it takes to get a React app up and running.
The second app, an expense manager called Budget, has all the features you’d expect from a real application. You’ll set up authentication, user accounts, routing, testing, form validation, database storage, and more.
Stay up-to-date in an ever changing world.
The world of React changes fast, and that’s why I’m always working to keep this course as up-to-date as possible. You can jump in knowing you’re getting access to hot-off-the-press features.
Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package.
There’s no need to worry if you’re learning the right skills to land that React job or launch that React app. I’ve mapped out everything you need to know in an interactive easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a couple of weeks.
There’s no better time to learn React.
React’s not going anywhere. Companies like Facebook, Walmart, Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix are all using React in production right now.
They’ve also made heavy investments in the React ecosystem, creating new libraries and tools that speed up and simplify React development. From the biggest to the smallest, everyone’s using React and new jobs are popping up every day.
Get access to fast support if you get stuck.
There’s nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. That’s why I’m here to answer every single question.
I’ll work with you to get you unstuck and back on track. It’s one of the reasons students love taking my courses:
“This is the absolute best course I’ve taken on udemy. Andrew is amazing at explaining things concisely, and the flow of the course is perfect. He doesn’t skip over anything and he doesn’t over-explain anything. On top of all that, he responds to questions so quickly that you won’t be stuck at any point.” – Tanya Gamarian
“The lessons are of high quality and even more important, he actually takes time to answer your questions!” – Thomas Vercamer
“The instructor does an excellent job in explaining how to build React Apps. He also responds quickly to any questions that are asked.” – Matt Willy
I guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging React course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.
Over eighteen sections you’ll learn:
Testing with Jest
App Debugging
App Deployment
And many more tools
I can’t wait to see you on the inside!
– Andrew

1Welcome & Asking Good QuestionsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn a few tips and tricks to make sure you get the most out of this course.
2"Why should I learn React?"Video lesson
In this video you'll get a big picture overview of what React is and why you should spend your time learning it.
3Section Intro: Setting up Your EnvironmentVideo lesson
4Installing Visual Studio CodeVideo lesson
Need a text editor? Try Visual Studio Code. You can use any editor you like, but I've been loving VSC lately. It's worth checking out.
5Installing Node.js & YarnVideo lesson
The last thing you need to install is Node.js. You'll be using Node.js to create web servers, compile files, and much more!
6Section Intro: Hello ReactVideo lesson
7Setting up a Web ServerVideo lesson
In this video you'll how to set up a web server so you can view your React apps in the browser.
8Hello ReactVideo lesson
In this video you'll take your first look at JSX (JavaScript XML). It's a JavaScript language extensions used by React.
9Setting up BabelVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup Babel. This compiles your JSX into regular JavaScript that your browser understands.
10Exploring JSXVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore the basics of JSX. You'll see what it takes to define your template and get it rendered to the screen.
11JSX ExpressionsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to inject dynamic values into your JSX.
12Conditional Rendering in JSXVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to conditionally render content in JSX. This will allow you to hide and show content based on the application state.
13ES6 Aside: const and letVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn about two new variable types which are "const" and "let". You'll also explore the differences between "var", "const", and "let".
14ES6 Aside: Arrow FunctionsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn about ES6 Arrow Functions. This is a new way to create functions in ES6 and comes with an improved syntax.
15ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions Part IIVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn about ES6 Arrow Functions. This is a new way to create functions in ES6 and comes with an improved syntax.
16Events and AttributesVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn about event handlers in JSX. These will allow you to run some code when the user interacts with the app (such as clicking a button).
17Manual Data BindingVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can rerender you application when data changes.
18Forms and InputsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to setup form and inputs so you can get data from your users.
19Arrays in JSXVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to work with array data in JSX. That'll let you render some content to the screen for each item in a list.
20Picking an OptionVideo lesson
In this video you'll be adding a new feature onto the Indecision app.
21Build It: Visibility ToggleVideo lesson
In this video you'll be writing some code on your own. I'll set you up, but it's on you to write the solution.
22Section Intro: React ComponentsVideo lesson
23Thinking in ReactVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to think in terms of how React works.
24ES6 Classes: Part IVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to work with ES6 classes. Classes will be used to create React components.
25ES6 Classes: Part IIVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to work with ES6 classes. Classes will be used to create React components.
26Creating a React ComponentVideo lesson
In this video you'll create and render your first React component.
27Nesting ComponentsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can create a React component that renders another React component.
28Component PropsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to use component props. This lets you pass data into a component when rendering it.
29Events & MethodsVideo lesson
In this video you'll add event props and event handlers into your components.
30Method BindingVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore class method binding and why it's important.
31What Is Component State?Video lesson
In this video you'll learn about component state. Component state is the React way to track changing data in your components.
32Adding State to Counter App: Part IVideo lesson
In this video you'll add component state into the course application.
33Adding State to Counter App: Part IIVideo lesson
In this video you'll add component state into the course application.
34Alternative setState SyntaxVideo lesson
In this video you'll look at an alternative way you can change component state.
35Build It: Adding State to VisibilityToggleVideo lesson
In this video you'll be writing some code on your own!
36Indecision State: Part IVideo lesson
In this video you'll be adding state to Indecision.
37Indecision State: Part IIVideo lesson
In this video you'll be adding state to Indecision.
38Summary: Props vs. StateVideo lesson
In this video you'll get a quick recap of component props and state.
39Section Intro: Stateless Functional ComponentsVideo lesson
40The Stateless Functional ComponentVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore an alternative way to define React components known as the Stateless Functional Component.
41Default Prop ValuesVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can setup default props values for your React components.
42React Dev ToolsVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can debug your React applications.
43Removing Individual OptionsVideo lesson
In this video you'll be adding a new feature onto Indecision.
44Lifecycle MethodsVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore component lifecycle methods. These let you run some code at specific times during a components life.
45Saving and Loading Options DataVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can use localStorage to persist state between page views.
46Saving and Loading the CountVideo lesson
In this video you'll get a bit more experience working with localStorage and React lifecycle methods.
47Section Intro: WebpackVideo lesson
48What Is Webpack?Video lesson
In this video you'll learn what webpack is and why using it is a good idea.
49Avoid Global ModulesVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn why global npm modules are a bad idea.
50Installing & Configuring WebpackVideo lesson
In this video you'll be installing and setting up webpack. Config videos are never fun, but webpack opens the door to a lot of great features.
51ES6 import/exportVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can break your app into multiple files using import/export.
52Default ExportsVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore another way you can export something from a module.
53Importing npm ModulesVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how you can use import to load in 3rd-party npm modules.
54Setting up Babel with WebpackVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup webpack to run babel automatically.
55One Component per FileVideo lesson
In this video you'll continue to break up your app into multiple files.
56Source Maps with WebpackVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup sourcemaps with webpack. This makes debugging errors a whole lot easier.
57Webpack Dev ServerVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup webpack dev-server which makes local webpack development a breeze.
58ES6 class propertiesVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore the new class properties syntax which make it easier to setup class properties like state!
59Section Intro: Using a Third-Party ComponentVideo lesson
60Passing Children to ComponentVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore the children prop which makes it possible to add children into your JSX element.
61Setting up React-ModalVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup react-modal. This 3rd-party tool make it easy to setup a modal for displaying the selected option.
62Bonus: Refactoring Other Stateless Functional ComponentsVideo lesson
In this video you'll refactor some class components to stateless functional components.
63Section Intro: Styling ReactVideo lesson
64Setting up Webpack with SCSSVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup webpack to compile SCSS down to CSS.
65Architecture and Header StylesVideo lesson
In this video you'll be diving into the style by styling the Indecision app header.
66Reset That $#!*Video lesson
In this video you'll learn how to setup normalize.css. This CSS reset makes sure all browsers are starting from the same base.
67Theming with VariablesVideo lesson
In this video you'll use SCSS variables to setup a theme for Indecision.
68Big Button & Options ListVideo lesson
In this video you'll be setting up that big ol' button up top.
69Styling the Options ListVideo lesson
In this video you'll be styling the options list and list items.
70Styling Option ItemVideo lesson
In this video you'll be styling the individual items.
71Styling React-ModalVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to style react-modal (which can be a little tricky).
72Mobile ConsiderationsVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup media queries to style Indecision for those mobile devices.
73Bonus: FaviconVideo lesson
In this video you'll setup a favicon for browser tabs.
74Section Intro: React RouterVideo lesson
75Server vs. Client RoutingVideo lesson
In this video you'll explore the differences between server and client side routing. You'll also explore why you'd want to use one over the other.
76Setting Up Budget AppVideo lesson
In this video you'll be setting up the directory structure for the Expensify application.
77React-Router 101Video lesson
In this video you'll setup react router. You'll learn how you can create multiple pages via client-side routing.
78Setting up a 404Video lesson
In this video you'll learn how to setup a 404 page for your application. This is a page users will see if the URL they entered doesn't match any existing routes.
79Linking Between RoutesVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to setup UI links for switching pages. This will be especially useful for setting up the apps navigation menu.
80Organizing Our RoutesVideo lesson
In this video you'll refactor the application router. You'll move it out into it's own file and clean up app.js as much as possible.
81Query Strings and URL ParametersVideo lesson
In this video you'll learn how to parse query strings and params with react-router.
82Build It: Router for Portfolio SiteVideo lesson
In this video you'll be creating a new application to practice configuring react-router.